Jehovah Witness sues Employer

by wasblind 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind
  • wasblind
  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Then why the hell would you take a job as a holiday gift wrapper when you know all the gifts you are going to be wrapping are going to be for holidays you don't celebrate?

  • wasblind

    Did you read the comments? one stated: " Are Jehovah's witnesses the people who wake me up on Saturday morning with the Watchtower magazine that says the world is ending?"

    HA HA

  • snowbird

    This is going to prove quite in-ter-est-ing.


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    She could have performed her gift wrapping duties without being forced to wear a Santa hat and apron. No doubt her Attorney thought she had a good case or a lawsuit would not have been filed.

    Think About It

  • moshe

    She was afarid of what would happen to her , when other JWs saw her wearing a Santa Hat. It would not be the first time a JW appeared to be someone they weren't-- uh, like the "judge part" in Judge Rutherford.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan
    No doubt her Attorney thought she had a good case or a lawsuit would not have been filed.

    Paleeaze. An attorney will file anything if it had even a zero chance to stick. It is a numbers game for them too...

    Edit: I think Moshe nailed it. High visibilty too - mall around the holidays...


    If your going to wrap Christmas Presents.....Wearing a Santa Hat isn`t a big deal..

    If she wanted no part of Christmas.....Then she shouldn`t be wrapping Christmas Presents..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • snowbird

    I remember refusing to wear a Santa hat or pin while working at a bakery.

    Could have cost my job, but I was too good a worker.

    I was a fool.


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