Further developments in my JC

by teel 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • teel

    Short review: the elders "invited" me to a friendly chat with 3 elders. I told them since it's about my official status with JW's I request an official invitation in writing. They denied it, and went ahead and kept the JC without me, notifying me that I'm DF'd and if I want to appeal, send it in writing (btw: ). So I sent an appeal, saying this sort of notifying should be done in writing, just as the literature advises us that it's better to give things in writing than relying simply on an oral agreement (I also gave some scriptural examples). An other point I stressed in the letter was that in the Bible the judicial cases were open to anyone who wanted to participate (Deuteronomy 16:18,19), and the Greek Scriptures provides no ruling about this, so we have no basis to do otherwise.

    So yesterday evening an elder (the obnoxious one from my cong) came to my home, told me on the intercom he's here to bring the answer to the appeal. I told him he can put it in the mailbox. He didn't. I got it today delivered personally. It was a very short unsigned letter (2 lines), containing the date (tomorrow evening) and a telephone number if the date is not ok (100% per the flock book's instruction).

    So I called 2 hours ago, the elder on the other end was unknown to me. I told him the time is not good for me, because my lawyer is on holiday. I'm still smiling right now on the confusion this brought to the elder. He started telling me that this was only an invitation to me. I asked if he read my appeal, to which he said yes. I told him I stated there plainly the biblical basis of open trial, and I expect them to follow, and I want my lawyer present as an observer, to make sure things go according to local regulations. His best answer was that they have instructions from the Society to which they must abide. My answer was that my only allegience is to God and his Word, and anything else is second. So he told me he must consult with the others on the committee, and they will tell me their decision. He sounded utterly confused about the situation, I think the mentioning of an official lawyer made him a bit scared. In fact I have not talked with my lawyer about this, because I know the committee won't let him in (incidentally he is on a holiday, it was no lie).

    Now this is but one more step in my ongoing tests. All the time I have tried to put the elders in a situation where they must choose between doing the society approved thing, or doing the most to "win me" for God. From reading the flock book I knew what they were supposed to do, and tried to set up things accordingly.

    I often thought about the morality of these 'tricks'. I know these men are basically good people (well, most of them), and it's not their fault they behave like this, yet I put them to hard work and probably stress too. I still don't know if what I am doing is right or not. All I know is that these tests prove to me the JWs as a group don't care about persons, but much more about the group, and it eases my anxiety about leaving. I can't help but contrast their society-mandated actions to Jesus' parable about the lost sheep.

  • ziddina

    "In fact I have not talked with my lawyer about this, because I know the committee won't let him in..."

    What? Do Kingdom Halls now have an anti-lawyer force field around them?? The end MUST be coming...

    If you can afford your lawyer's fees, take him along ANYWAY. You'd have the same right if you were in the police station for questioning; there is NO reason he can be excluded from this sort of 'kangaroo court' - well, no VALID reason... Tho you can bet the elders will try to make one up... If they insist that he not be allowed in because it's on "Kingdom Hall" property, refuse to meet in the Kingdom hall - stand outside on the sidewalk (public property) and insist that THEY meet YOU out there...

    Make it as uncomfortable and difficult for them as possible...

    By the way, since your lawyer's on vacation, do you know of a good Para-legal???

  • Soldier77

    I love how you make them work their asses off even though they've already made the decision to DF.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    I love your style!

    I told him the time is not good for me, because my lawyer is on holiday
    . Brilliant!
  • thetrueone

    The inevitable DF was going to happen, thats perhaps one of the reasons for leaving this corrupt stupid organization in the first place.

    Playing games with these imbeciles is your choice, but take note of any long term effects with any immediate family members who

    are still in the Borg.

    There are good plausible reasons to walk out this organized insanity quietly without a stir or a commotion.

  • teel

    @ziddina: with my salary relative to the lawyer fees, I can sort-of afford it. It's not something I can do on a daily basis, but I can assure you I am willing to pay the lawyer to show up on the JC. However I have no intentions to show up otherwise, it's all just a game, which I will play to the end. I still have a few chapters in my mind.

    @thetrueone: I have absolutely no problem with being DFd. Fortunately noone in my close family (or even in the extended family to my knowledge) is a JW. I had only one family member in the Borg, which they stole from me, my wife. We are in the process of divorce right now, which in fact gave me fuel to this whole game. They took away the most important thing to me, and the reason of all my hard work in the last 10 years.

  • ziddina

    "However I have no intentions to show up otherwise, it's all just a game, which I will play to the end. I still have a few chapters in my mind..."

    Cool! Waiting to see those chapters!!!

    "I have absolutely no problem being DFd. Fortunately noone in my close family (or even in the extended family to my knowledge) is a JW. ..."

    Wow, that gives you so much more freedom than the average person on this board. Sorry to hear that you lost your wife, though...


  • thetrueone

    I had only one family member in the Borg, which they stole from me, my wife.

    Thats a regrettable lost, sorry to hear that.

    Losing someone you loved to a bunch of devout crooks with suits on is truly a bitch to handle.

    Then I say slam them and slam them good......good luck

  • moshe

    It would be better to invite a real journalist who can record how the WT secret meetings work. The public needs to know this about JWs- they want to control every aspect of your life.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "I still don't know if what I am doing is right or not."

    What you're doing is way more than right.

    Forget hiring an attorney, hire an actor. You're going into a room of janitors pretending to be theologians. Bring a pizza delivery guy pretending to be a lawyer.

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