If you had to place a bet on who would be the next Ray Franz...

by Mickey mouse 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    ...who would it be? Which Governing Body member would wake up and smell the coffee?

    Now since I don't know any of them personally I'm not best qualified to answer this but from what I've read I would choose Geoff Jackson. The only strike he has aganst him is the fact that he's a widower; I would think the hope of the resurrection is a pretty strong inducement to ignore what's under your nose.

    Any other opinions?

  • Titus

    No no...


    His parents are not Witnesses, he was "worldly" until '70s, he visits apostate websites, comments them in his public talks, ridicules WT policies....

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    he visits apostate websites, comments them in his public talks, ridicules WT policies....

    I clearly missed that memo.

  • Titus

    Excerpts from the Anthony Morris III public talk

    Beware of the Bird Catcher

    He mentions "silentlambs" and other apostates.....


    Nostromo, I used your account again.

  • Pistoff

    The GB learned their lesson with Franz; they cut off at the knees any speaker who strays.

    No structure is in place that would allow a clear thinker to rise to the rank necessary to make a difference.


  • yknot

    I agree Morris has the least to lose.....except pride (and perhaps his sons)

    But as we all know if he left, his Bethel son would be woo-ed to stay a captive to punish Tony. Sadly, the Jr.Morris chances of rising any further would drastically be reduced and he would strive hard to show his disdain to his dad's defection but it would all be in vain.

    Morris has wealthy parents to fall back on too.....

    Morris' talks are scripted, yes his writers whom he collaborates do keep some tabs on us but Tony doesn't appear to be that motivated now that he has reached his highest achievement. Morris' speaking skills are disappointing and I dare say his eventual inheritance and willingness to please Jaracz won him the position more than his intellect or Christian devotion.


    The Legal Department would have had the new GB sign non-disclosure agreements anyway.

    So if Geof was to wake-up, he has spent less of his life actually working than Morris! Fear of having to do 'real work' and the gag would motivate him to become a voice for reform.


    I vote no public Ray's.

    (((((( but makes me wonder aloud, other than a few talks....... WHERE IS JUDAH BEN SCHROEDER? )))))

  • jookbeard

    none of them in a million years they all are brown nosers of the highest level to end up where they are, in the past only Lloyd Barry ever showed any sympathy a Ray Franz' cause.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I don't agree that it would be "none of them." It all depends on how WTS falls apart, if at all, in our lifetime.
    If the lawyers and accountants arrange to take the money and run as the place starts downhill, I bet a couple of these guys would be racing to the "publishers" to get their book published first. "The Insider Story at Watchtower" or something jazzier than that.

    They will see the goose stop laying golden eggs and panick. I welcome all of this.

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    It all depends on how WTS falls apart, if at all, in our lifetime. If the lawyers and accountants arrange to take the money and run as the place starts downhill, I bet a couple of these guys would be racing to the "publishers" to get their book published first. "The Insider Story at Watchtower" or something jazzier than that.

    Bingo! With Ray Franz now dead........the first one to the publisher wins.

    Think About It

  • zoiks

    Interesting things in Br. Morris' talk. Mentioning Silent Lambs by name. Quoting the sincere-sounding words of an 'apostate', but then saying what the person 'really' meant. Hmm.

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