What's better? Day sex or night sex?

by 5thGeneration 63 Replies latest members adult

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Im in the mood anytime, but morning is my fav hands down

  • sd-7

    At this point, I don't care what time of day it is, let's just do it, it's been like 3 weeks! You can't do this to a guy!

    Both are great, really. Nighttime is nice, particularly after everything is done for the day, then you can cuddle and go to sleep. Daytime is nice, especially if you want to see everything that's going on--although you could just turn the lights on at night. It is particularly exciting when I can see every detail. But then, it's particularly exciting, period.

    As someone recently posted, "Dude, you need to get laid." Evidently, the month where I previously had sex will overlap with the month when I have sex again. So no matter when it happens, it'll be this month, a month that is a CONTEMPORARY of the month when it last happened. How do we feel about this new truth, friends? [Convention applause--the excited kind that happens like, right after they announce the new release]

  • Darth plaugeis
  • RubaDub

    I guess it depends if the couple with us look hot or not.

    Rub a Dub

  • wannabefree

    hecklerboy said: "...sometimes I'll surprise her at 3:00 am in the morning"

    You call it a surprise, she probably calls it disturbing her sleep,

  • FlyingHighNow

    Darth, that is hilarious. I haven't seen that movie. I always hated the song Afternoon Delight. "Makin' dirty reubon love...lol."Star Land sounds like Donnie and Marie. Somehow Mormon loving, like JW loving sounds like a total, wholesome bore.

    Shower love: I think guys like it more than women do. Not saying it is a bad thing though. Morning love, when you're awakened out of a much needed sleep? Hard to enjoy as much when you're not fully awake and have work hanging over you. If you both have the day off, different story. During the day is good and better if you have the luxury of plenty of time. If you're not tired, night time just seems more mysterious, romantic and sexy, especially when the day is behind you and you've got the whole evening together to enjoy each other's company. Best way to top off a wonderful evening together. If you can swing it? Blanket under the stars & feeling the night air against bare skin, nothing like it.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    OHHHHHHHH!! you guys are talking about sex with partners, not alone... well that changes everything

  • FlyingHighNow

    A partner sweetens the deal, Darth. Try it sometime. I miss those days.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Does blindfolding a woman and doing it in the daylight count as day sex or night sex?

    If you do it in the day and see stars, does that count as night sex?

    Think About It

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    My wife is Brazilian I should let her respond to this thread...

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