About Do Not Calls

by LB 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Fade away my friend, just fade away. Best thing to do.....TRUST ME.

    Tell your wife the same. Anger gets you no place.


  • mustang


    I know of this circumstance:

    A friend had a number of roommates over a period of years. One of those roommates had his vehicle in prominent display at the friends house. While working on the vehicle the Dubs approached. This person told the Dubs they weren't welcome because a person living there was a former JW & did not want to be disturbed. The JW's did stay away until that roommate left and his vehicle disappeared. Then they gradually came back. This was over a period of about 4 years.

    There are three things to consider that can change this:

    1) Whether they actually honor the DNC w/o Legal Notices is a good question.

    2) You also have to deal with their (real to sneaky) thought process of 'maybe somebody moved'. Somebody actually did in this case.

    3) Somebody at the local KH could lose the records of the DNC.

    Bottom line: it's a crap-shoot, unless you take the strong steps mentioned by Alan.

    For a similar letter to Alan's check these 2 postings. This one has been posted a number of times and is not publicity sensitive. It is long and I recently posted it twice, so 'save the bandwidth'. Actually, there are several variations on the two posts.



    I collect these.


  • JerryTX


    if you formally DA yourselves, your wonderful (sarcastic) daughter in law will probably use that as leverage to separate you from your son.
    You did say she was hardcore JW, right?

    Are you sure which way your son will go as far as his treatment of you? Most likely both ways, trying to keep her happy and you happy, which means no one will be happy. It might go your way, and he'll be forced to make a decision for you and his mom and he'll break up with his wife. Or he may decide he has to cut you off entirely if his wife "lays down the law."

    My brother would leave the WT tomorrow, but he's passive and his wife has him under her thumb. She's hardcore JW.

    Perhaps you could share this thread with your wife and "count the costs" before taking action?

    Best of luck to you, LB. Know it's not easy for you guys right now.


    "The truth will set you free--but first it will make you damn mad."

    M. Scott Peck - "The Different Drum"

  • LB

    Lots of good advice here. I appreciate all of it.

    The evil daughter in law is only zealous when it comes to things that will benefit her. You remember the type, they go to every other meeting, but if they spot you missing you get the phone call that says "we really missed you today".

    So she uses the religion to her advantage.

    I'm less and less concerned about pleasing my son these days. If he wanted to visit us he will, if not he won't. Either way life goes on for us. After you live awhile you start to think back on all the friends and family you've lost. Mostly at my age we lose them through death sadly.

    My heart does bleed for those who've lost their entire families. It's not like it was their choice. The society ripped their families away. How difficult that has to be. Our little problems pale by comparison.

    But I do appreciate all the imput here and I'm going to print this out for the angry wife. I wanted her to calm down this evening and even thought about offering her a glass of wine. But I think I remember her being an angry drunk, so, forget that.

    Thanks again...

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • ozziepost
    What would happen, to inactive witnesses, if you asked your local congregation to make you a do-not-call?

    You would be treated as DA.

    By the way, this letter is NOT telling you that we have disassociated.
    Seems to me that this is optimistic, to say the least. As a gentle warning to those who may be thinking of doing this, it was tried in Australia....unsuccessfully. The individuals were announced as DA. IMO mounting a legal case for this would be costly, with only a slim chance of succeeding. In the final analysis, is it worth it?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

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