Where has your spiritual journey lead you?

by thraxer68 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • thraxer68

    Just curious, to those of you who have left the "truth", where has your spiritual journey lead you? Have you found another religion? Are you not really a religious person? Are there any important events or turning points that have lead you to where you are now? IDK, I guess im just curious to know your personal experiences and where that path has lead you or is leading you....

  • Lozhasleft

    I'm still waiting to find out myself...I still have a love for God and belief in the Bible ...it will stay personal unless I find a 'place' where I feel enough trust to worship....

    Loz x

  • StAnn

    JDub from 1963-1987. First, I went Agnostic. Then became a Christian and was baptized in the Episcopal Church in Sept. 1992. Continued in the Episcopal Church until I met my husband and we began attending a Lutheran church together in 2000. Began studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Bible and became Catholic in 2003.

    Frankly, the Catholic Church is really rational and makes sense to me. I've been in the Church for seven years, husband has been in for five years, and we are both very happy. It's completely different from being a JDub, very freeing. A whole lot less stress. Sometimes I hear people say that it's hard to be Catholic and I just laugh. They don't know how hard a religion can be.

    Not that there aren't problems in the Church but I wanted to be part of the Church that Jesus founded. That led me to Catholicism. I really didn't want to be Catholic and fought it tooth and nail but finally was so miserable NOT being Catholic that I caved in and joined. Now I just wish I'd done it sooner. It is truly a wonderful lifestyle.

    You know, I've never sat in a Catholic Church and heard them bash another religion. Amazing.


  • doofdaddy

    I didn't decide to take a "spiritual journey" after moving on from jws. It was thrust upon me. I had images of being a leaf grippng on to the bank of a fast flowing body of water. I was terrified of letting go of my former self. Once I accepted the inevitable and actually swam with the tide, I went through many enlightening, life threatening, mind twisting experiences but came to the conclusion that all "truth" is right here inside of me. I am personally responsible for my thoughts and actions, there is no god in the classical sense but there is definitely a spirit world if you choose to enquire and that the balance of living in the physical and spiritual world is the key to saving humanity, from the humanist scientific madness that is spiralling the planet to speedy and inevitable destruction.

  • jaguarbass

    My journey has lead me to further exploration of reincarnation.

    This week I have been reading the book "journey of souls" by Michael Newton, next I am going to

    read the tibetian book of the dead.

    I like to believe earth is a soul school.

    We choose our lessons in the spirit world and come down here to learn them.

    I think one lesson I came down here to learn is letting go.

    And I'm not doing very good at it 27 years out of the tower and I'm still mad and upset.

    So I think I will be coming back.

  • StAnn

    BTW, as I said, I became Catholic. My little brother left the JDubs and became Mormon. My oldest brother left the JDubs and is into New Age religion, heavily into Numerology. He is very happy, the Mormon brother less so.

    Lots of different paths we take.

    Interestingly, the three of us aren't forbidden to associate with each other by our respective religions. Amazing. We can be different religions and still love each other and still be family.


  • man in black
    man in black

    You know, I've never sat in a Catholic Church and heard them bash another religion. Amazing.


    Several months ago I was at a Catholic church and listened to a sermon.

    The priest brought up the subject of endurance, and he mentioned the witnesses and how the do their work nonstop.

    It was a positive comment about another religion, something I never heard at the K hall.

    By the way, I am working at returning to the Catholic Faith after 30 years as a witness.

    There is something very comforting about this religion.

  • poppers

    I think one lesson I came down here to learn is letting go.

    And I'm not doing very good at it 27 years out of the tower and I'm still mad and upset.

    So I think I will be coming back.

    Letting go seems to be difficult, but when looked at clearly it's a simple thing. This very moment, now, is free of everything, so become totally absorbed in this moment. Through the doorway of your senses become alert to what is actually here now. Hanging on is about the past, it's about getting lost in thought processes and getting stuck there. When totally in this moment without judging anything that's arising thoughts will diminish and letting go will happen all by itself. This moment, now, is where life is and the beauty of it is this: it's always now. When you recognize you've gotten caught up in thoughts of the past return consciously to this moment.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    My spiritual journey has lead me doubt the existence of the spirit completely. I'm waiting for someone to demonstrate that it exists before i continue with it.

  • truthseekeriam

    I became inactive after being shown how little the sheep mean to the Shepard's. I lost complete faith in "MEN" but never lost faith in God and Jesus. I still read the bible and pray, but I could never trust an organized religion again.

    I fill my spiritual need by talking to friends and neighbors about the bible but this time not to pull them into a religion but instead to encourage them as they encourage me. I have to say one of my biggest shocks was learning that other religions do know their bibles and can quote them even better then I do.

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