I'm so miserable since leaving the JWs

by keyser soze 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    I just had to see what your "catch" was!

    Some faders at this very moment are contemplating how to get out of going to the convention, but they just can't figure out how to do that and still stay in good graces with mommy and daddy. Of course, they will be miserable during those 3 days ( I think they are only 3 days- down from 7 when I was a JW), but they can receive some comfort from the scriptures, "you shall reap what you sow". Being miserable during the fade is a small price to pay for their sin. Everyone else who publicly admitted the WT was a cult and got out has already done their penance, so go ahead and play golf, go fishing or shopping at the mall, dancing at the club, etc. Life is great on the outside. It's ironic, but it wouldn't surprise me, if 10% of the JW's at the convention don't want to be there!

  • GLTirebiter

    The local American Legion hall is looking for volunteers to help place flags on Veterans' graves tomorrow morning. Just a thought, if you need something to do instead of going out on serve-us Saturday morning!

  • notverylikely

    Let's just say I'm not the world's greatest golfer and leaving it at that. It was over 100. I couldn't hit a chip shot or putt to save my life.

    My goal is break 90 this year. I shot a 91 on one of the toughest courses around last week.

  • Scott77

    keyser soze ,

    Its almost three years since you started posting on JWN. I think, your tittle was catchy. It should have been," I'm so glad since leaving the JWs" The big challenge for you is how maximize the use of your time as opposed to working to find more time like when you was a JW. Its like rebuilding our lives once again, taking one step at a time.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I so love your posts Keyser. In fact, I'm going to have to go make me a sandwich in a few minutes, with ribeye steak and a-1 sauce. I'm so envious of the people who have to sit in front of their blaring computer screens and read your wonderful insights while I must be resigned to eating steak and drinking wine. It's such a bummer.

  • jehovahsheep

    eat,drink,and be merry for you have no hope.

  • IsaacJ22

    The assumption Witnesses make about exxers like us being miserable since leaving "the truth" is pretty darn convenient. Another one I've heard a lot is that critics are just jealous. Which is hilarious. My mom used to tell me that when the kids at school made fun of my freckles. Wow.

  • teel
    eat,drink,and be merry for you have no hope.

    It beats starve, thirst, and be miserable for you have false hope But really, there's much hope in me.

  • Heaven

    Yeah. I looked at the thread title. Then to the username. Then back to the title. Then back to the username. I knew there was gonna be somethin' funny here.

    I remember as a teen my Mom trying to guilt me into doing the Serve-Us thing. It didn't work. And since there was no Biblical support for it she was stumped. It never sat well with me that the WTS forced people to do this. Especially since I was starting to wake up and realize it was all bull. It bothered me that these people were pushing their views on others. I felt it was rather rude.

    Last weekend was our long weekend here in Canada (Victoria Day). I bought a few plants (among other things).

  • Sapphy

    I am always so miserable when I skip meetings to watch football and drink beer. Of course I use the word 'misery' in the sense of 'feeling relief, joy and freedom'.

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