Has anyone had a WT literature burning party?

by lepermessiah 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    back in the 60's my father who was never a witness would go on the rampage and burn all my mothers literature

    outside in the fireplace grill every couple of years. My mother, the rebellious one, Satin, would defy and persist in doing

    the work of the cheap publishing company. Spreading negativity doom and gloom to my brother, sister and I.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Yep, marshmallow caught fire. I swished the stick back and forth, marshmallow took flight and landed in my cousins hair! Hope she has "caught on"

    Tee Hee Hee

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    No, but I did bring a small piece of a page of WT to a burning bowl ceremony and released into the universe all that it represents.

    I think that casket with all the literature in it flaming away is priceless!

  • BurnTheShips

    I burned all of mine. It burned for many hours, I had so much.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I didn't have a party with others around, but I called it an Un-dedication Ceremony:


    I describe it on page two of that thread.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Iknowitall................ I am so stealing your photos.

    One is going to hang on my fridge.

  • StAnn

    I gave mine away to active Dubs. (Was recently DF'd, didn't realize how wrong the WTS was at that time.) However, a friend of mine took his out into his garage and put it in his charcoal grill. It wouldn't light so he put gasoline on it and lit it again. Silly man, he didn't take the grill out of the garage. Almost burned the garage down!


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