A Kind Word For Brits

by metatron 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    "Every third baby boy is named Mohammed. People who engage in self defense are imprisoned while criminals are given a 'firm talking to' and have their hands slapped. Most people are on the dole and live for 'their pint a day'. And so on."

    1st point no, there are a lot of differnt cultures here, but thats a large exaggeration.

    points 2 and 3 are sadly very true.

  • parakeet

    Here's a kind word for Brits -- you tend your own business across the pond, and we'll tend ours.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    The image of people in the USA from here in the UK isn't much better to be honest. USAssholes (as they're often referred to) are generally thought of as being obese, burger eating consumerists who live for the mall. Most of them have never even been outside of their own state & probably could not even find their home town on a state map, in fact, many of them probably couldn't even find North America on a world atlas. Most americans are creationists who believe that the universe, earth & mankind were created in seven days (yes, they're so stupid that they don't even realise that the seventh day was a day of rest, let alone the fact that it's only a story). Americans have goofy ugly children, fat spotty teenagers & grow up to be moronic dumbass adults who, if they're lucky enough not to be gunned down in early adulthood by some drug dealer, die of heart disease or diabetes at the age of 40, unless they're one of the many hypochondriac health freaks who spend their whole life jogging, in which case they die of boredom in a care home at the age of 75. They'd believe anything they read, if they could read, but most of them can't, so they believe everything they watch on tv, which is mostly Fox News & Friends. They all hate socialism with a passion, even though only about 1/10,000 of them could even describe what it is, & they think the american flag is the most beautiful work of art this side of the renaissance, or at least they would if they even knew what the renaissance was. The american anthem is their favourite song, or at least it was until Bruce Springsteen wrote Born In The USA.

    But don't worry, none of this goes unpunished, God hates the USA as well, so he sent lots of tornados, hurricanes & forest fires, just to let the cowboys who live in that country know that although they may dominate the world, the world can take everything away from them whenever it wants to.

  • snowbird

    at the psychotic psittacine.

    Most Brits have ugly teeth, superiority complexes, and delusions of grandeur.

    They drive on the wrong side of the road, don't use enough spices in their cuisine, and talk like they've got a balloon stuck in their pharynx.


  • jambon1

    Scotland gave the world beer cans with semi clad ladies on one side of the can.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    At least our teeth are real & our delusions don't involve talking snakes. And most people in the USA don't even know how to talk properly anyway.

  • mindmelda

    I was raised in the Philippines, spent most of my childhood there, and some of my grammar school teachers were educated in Hong Kong, so I used to come home from school talking "funny" according to my parents, who thought I was just being weird. I was always kind of a weird kid anyway, I liked to imitate any adults I heard who I thought were interesting, and had a big imagination. I don't think they realized I was just imitating some of my teachers at school until they went and talked to them.

    I still want to spell words the British/UK way...I had to spend my middle and high school years when we came back to America fixing "colour" to "color", "neighbour" to "neighbor" and "grey" is how I spell "gray" and such. I still have to stop and think, "Spell American" because that's not how I originally learned to spell those words.

    I've lived so many places I can "do" ten different accents, and still do a passing Hong Kong British accent thanks to all those teachers. But, it does give a person a different perspective on things even if one is born American to have lived in other countries. I probably will never have the perspective on global matters that someone raised in America has.

    I grew up where being American was a minority, and being white definitely was. I have my 2nd grade class picture, and I'm one of 3 white kids in the whole class. The rest are Asian and Indian and Black (we were in the military, and for some reason, most of the other servicemen on our base were black). I literally grew up thinking white American people like my parents were a minority, because they WERE where we lived.

    When I came to the states, we moved into a very integrated neighborhood, and I naturally gravitated towards what I was used to...kids who weren't white. I kept trying to make friends with Asian, Hispanic and Black kids, and did. I actually had a hard time making friends with white kids...I hadn't ever had a white friend! My best friend until I moved to the States was a girl whose father was black, her mother Filipino, a "tiger woods" multi ethnic kid.

    So, my attitudes about a lot of things, including race, were never typically American, at least, I don't think so, because I remember how shocking I found some typical mid-Western American attitudes when we moved back here. I still do, actually.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    I have my 2nd grade class picture, and I'm one of 3 white kids in the whole class.

    Same here, & i grew up in London

  • snowbird


    I remember reading somewhere that England's Royal Family thinks its dynasty can be traced back to the Davidic Kingdom of Israel.

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ...

    *wiping tears of mirth from eyes*


  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    You'd be hard pressed to find many people in the UK who actually endorse the Royal Family to be honest.

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