The assembly mating game

by mutinyinheaven 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mutinyinheaven

    i haven't been on the board for a while, but i thought you'd dig this.

    it was taped last week at a reading from my novel. the first part is about the hot girls at assemblies and how we'd sit through doom and gloom talks. part 2 is a scene where gabe is found out for having a girlfriend.

    oh, the novel is Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk.

  • Scott77

    There is no caption on the video. Their absence automatically eliminates a tiny segment of society who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Sigh

  • steve2

    Sigh. Not another story about young men being driven by raging hormones as they lust after very young girls. Both boring and unsettling. Young men on the prowl are the least likely to care if the object of the lure is a minor. The overuse of the words "Jehovah's Witnesses' detracted from the account - yeah, yeah, we know, they're Jehovah's Witness girls - and, surprisingly, it lacked any sexual tension that otherwise could be expected from young men on the hunt for flower-frocked virgins. It did score high on the Cute Meter, though.

  • jwfacts

    That was great, particularly the second half about your experience at school. It was disturbingly accurate in showing how dramatic JW parents are over such normal and healthy behaviour such as having a girlfriend. When I was at school a girl asked me to go with her. I said yes, then 2 hours later broke off with her as I knew there would be hell if my family found out.

  • asilentone

    jwfacts, I was in your situation the same way.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    No idea what it said, but I also broke off dates after only 2 hours of being asked. Other JW's who heard me being asked out practically yelled at me, "I'M TELLING!"

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Who's your terp for the video?

  • asilentone

    white dove, I was responding to Paul Grundy's post, not the video.

  • mutinyinheaven

    thanks. the novel is still getting great response and i hope to have more news regarding it in a few months.

  • misguided
    misguided just delivered your book about a week ago. I`m only a few chapters in. I enjoyed watching you read the story, because in the parts that you read to the audience, I didn`t read in the correct context. Now I get it. I mean I got what you were saying - as growing up JW`s know- I just didn`t quite get the humour in it until you posted this.

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