GOING "GREEN" is either practical or it is not----which is it and why?

by Terry 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • PrimateDave

    I think that the United States needs to drastically lower its per capita energy and resource consumption in the short term. Whether "green" tech can accomplish this task is open for debate. Honestly, I don't see this happening soon enough or on a sufficient scale. In the long term it will be necessary to challenge a lot of the assumptions we have taken for granted with respects to how our civilization functions. Unfortunately, it is difficult to give a simple explanation for my lack of optimism. Jared Diamond wrote a whole book on societal collapse. All I can say is that there are a number of very intelligent people who have been looking into the Limits to Growth for some time now. I wonder, is Secular Doomerism a religion?

    ... the age of abundance is over. The period from 1945 to 2005 when almost unimaginable amounts of cheap petroleum sloshed through the economies of the world’s industrial nations, and transformed life in those nations almost beyond recognition, still shapes most of our thinking and nearly all of our expectations. Not one significant policy maker or mass media pundit in the industrial world has begun to talk about the impact of the end of the age of abundance; it’s an open question if any of them have grasped how fundamental the changes will be as the new age of post-abundance economics begins to clamp down.

    Most ordinary people in the industrial world, for their part, are sleepwalking through one of history’s major transitions. The issues that concern them are still defined entirely by the calculus of abundance. Most Americans these days, for example, worry about managing a comfortable retirement, paying for increasingly expensive medical care, providing their children with a college education and whatever amenities they consider important. It has not yet entered their darkest dreams that they need to worry about access to such basic necessities as food, clothing and shelter, the fate of local economies and communities shredded by decades of malign neglect, and the rise of serious threats to the survival of constitutional government and the rule of law.

    The World After Abundance


  • jaguarbass

    From 1981 to 2003 I either rode my bike to work everyday or ran. It was 3.7 miles each way.

    When I lived in Cleveland in the 70's I had 3 Franklin stoves and heated my house with fire wood.

    Today I have 2 Toyotas and a Harley. They all get 30+mpg.

    Thats the best I can do, or have done.

    I live in Florida and have window units vs central air and my electric bill is 100 in August vs 350.

    I can afford to install Central air, but I wont spend 350 a month on electric.

  • notverylikely

    Seems to me that going "Green" has become a religion with all the built in prejudices and refusal to consider practical matters.

    Because on the one hand you have the "it's my right to consume all I can afford to consume" crowd that thinks that using CFLs and walking once in a while is the equivalent of being crushed under the boot of tyranny and the other side thinks that by eating a fucking steak you are a murdering nature hater hell bent on destroying the planet just so you can satisfy your blood lust with animal flesh just so you can die young.

    The people like me, in the middle, that think "hey, there are a limited amount of resources on this planet. Maybe we shouldn't use them all up at once" get drowned out.

  • designs

    Like Ed Begley Jr. says 'go Green little by little', one improvement leads to another, one cost savings leads to another.

    Ed's father actor Ed Begley Sr. was a conservationist back in the 30s and worked for various ecological causes throughout his life, he left a good example for his son and all of us.

    Walk the talk.............

  • finallysomepride

    I recycle as much as I can.

    Use eco shopping bags

    Catch the bus to work some days.

    Use natural cleaners

    Live in Queensland so it's warm to hot most of the year, so I don't need to use any form of heating, & don't have aircon.

    There's not much more I can personally do.

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