Another personal experience with current JW's

by James_Slash 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • James_Slash

    I guess I am used to hearing the word "miserable" now with current JW's.

    I have spoken to four within a week who all claim their existance with the WTBTS is an unfulfilling one.

    I had a friend many years ago who remains on the 'fringes' of the congregation. Yet, now I am out whenever he gets the chance he tries to preach to me. Yet, in the same breath he states how he enjoys going nightclubbing and holidays - with excessive amounts of alcohol (with all current JW's) and whilst away from the watchful eye of their parents, often meet (I won't say 'worldly' as that is a JW term - but) women who do not share the same beliefs that they claim to have yet they hold far much more in common then what they would care to know. This individual claims how miserable he is and how he wants to put more effort into the 'truth' because he is convinced that this will make him 'feel better'. He has been saying this for years but nothing really has changed.

    Someone else I know has only just returned to the religion after being out of it since a young age and giving birth to a young son. She actually returned and got baptised. But because she has a child, none of these 'loving' Brothers will give her the time of day. But because of family pressures (all are JW, her Dad an Elder) she said she would find it hard to turn her back again and return to her previous life. She said to me that she is getting "nothing in return".

    Another guy I know is a MS. He said he is being put under increasing pressure from a certain Elder who keeps questioning his every move with regard to missing a meeting because of work. He is also seeing an unbaptised publisher which is also putting at risk his rank as MS.

    I find it sad that all of these people are miserable in such a loving, organisation for one reason or another. This is just scratching the surface and I'm sure others on here have similar experiences.

  • iknowall558

    Jehovah's Happy People indeed! I think you would be hard pushed to find a genuinely happy Jehovah's Witness. In order to be happy it is important that what you feel inwardly is expressed outwardly, otherwise it makes for a stressed individual. When you walk within the narrow corridor of the Watchtower Organization there is no room for freedom of expression or thinking ability. Most JWs comply in order to makes others happy and gain their Children with parents, young men with elders, and wives with husbands.

    There is no space for the growth of 'real' personality or talent. It is no wonder that there is a growing problem with depression and mental health issues within the Watchtower org. They are TOLD they are happy! But do they FEEL happy? I think the evidence speaks for itself.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It makes no difference if they are baptised true believers, unbaptised born ins, drifted, disfellowshipped, junkies, pimps, alcoholics, polititians, musicians, athletes or even people whose mothers had a few studies ........ they all remain 'damaged goods' until they fully understand that God didn't choose the Watchtower.



  • SisoNoSiso

    As a MS, I was constantly told that I had to quit playing certain games, watching certain movies, putting a halt to large gatherings, leaving certain sayings out of talks, etc. My reply was always the same. "Thanks for the advice, but it's my life. If you want to remove me, do it. But I make my decisions in these areas."

    They never removed me. But finally I saw the religion for what it was and walked away anyway.

    If you let these elders walk over you, they will. Simple as that. They only have the power that you give them.

  • dgp


  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    When I was telling my family that I was miserable, & wasnt going to meetings anymore, my cousin told me how unhappy she was in life and marriage- and she said to me "none of us in Jeh's org are happy, not until the new system"- WTF!!

    My sister told me how unhappy she was with life too when I said the same thing

    My mom has never been happy

    I started noticing a pattern here & they wanted me to stay...why????

  • James_Slash

    I had the same Coffee House Girl.

    I had seen so much hypocrisy, changes in doctrine, scandal that I couldn't ignore it any longer. I have documented it here before but the way my ex-wifes family turned on me after our separation was the final straw. They all claim to be good-standing JW's.

    Yet, I still had people telling me how staying close to Jehovah would get me through this. Then they proceeded to lecture me over my lack of freedom to meet anyone else and how marrying another sister would make me an adulterer. I remember thinking, I am not going to let this organisation control my life anymore.

    If I can get just ONE JW to follow my path then my will on earth is done. The WTBTS are wolves in sheeps clothing. Evil, pure evil.

  • changeling

    My 86 year old mother is miserable as well. She was always ubber theocratic and never expected to be old in "this system". Does she do anything (read, take up a hobby, go for a walk, partake in the many activities in her Assisted Living home, sit on the porch on a pretty day...) to make life a little sweeter? No, she's waiting for the new system to make everything right...

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    If I can get just ONE JW to follow my path then my will on earth is done.

    That is one thing I would never ask them to do.

    I make it quite clear to my dubbies that I am not offering a substitute and that I see the WT as being just another religion and I constantly draw parallels between them and others.

    The issues I take up with my dubbies is them using dishonesty to fool me into joining and to deny their past, and them not answering questions I have asked.



  • mrsjones5

    I started noticing a pattern here & they wanted me to stay...why????

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