Did you ever REALLY believe anything special happened at Cedar Point Ohio in 1922?

by Sapphy 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quarterback

    I only beleive what Neil Young said that happened in Ohio. He told me that their was 4 dead in Ohio.

  • Phizzy

    There were a lot there who were brain dead in 1922.

  • losingit

    I never believed it. I thought it was utter trash and nonsense to make these claims about insignificant events that only ppl in jdub world know about. I told my husband at the time. He had nothing to say. I only studied the Revelation book once, thank goodness . Very presumptuous, very arrogant, and just straigh. Up lies! I didnt have this sam efervor about it, but it was just one more chink in the chain, that extra drop that fills up the bucket of doubt. WT is a ridiculous , self important religion!

  • eyeuse2badub

    I agree with Slimboy--Freddy boy had a field day when he was a young man. Problem is he never grew out of Fantasy Land had people eating out of He and THE JUDGE had people eating out of their hands.

  • willmarite

    All the Cedar Point nonsense is quite silly. But hardly any JW pays that stuff much attention nowadays. The rare occasions when it comes up in an article most probably shrug as if to say "whatever" and never give it a second thought.

    I didn't believe it when I was a JW but I thought "new light" would be right around the corner.

    My brother told me that one of the things that strengthens his belief that the JWs are God's org. is how perfect the organization's history matches up with Revelation. Man, did I roll my eyes!

  • EndofMysteries

    When I was just 14 years old, I noticed when going through the revelation book that claiming those prophecies were fullfilled by those talks raised red flags in my mind. I remember discussing with parents how there is no way that was true. It was left as waiting on the society to publish the new light if that's the case.

  • Bruja-del-Sol

    I just never understood anything in the Revelation book, so I skipped a lot of the 'book studies' when that book was studied. I always felt I was too dumb to understand such difficult biblical things... but maybe I was too smart to buy it

  • tornapart

    I never believed any of this, nor the 'two'witnesses' nor anything about 1919. It always struck me as fanciful. I remember saying to my elder hubby that if we have to go through any more of that ridiculous stuff I'd scream! At the time I was fully in... I guess now that maybe I never was fully in.. LOL

  • dozy

    Looking back , its strange that I believed in this stuff. I remember even conducting the studies in the Revelation book & scratching my head sometimes at the really complicated & unlikely explanations that often seemed to be trying to push a particular interpretation , often in contradiction of the scripture.

    Even though perhaps on a subconscious level it seemed a bit absurd , I think that you just go with the flow without ever really thinking much - same as some of the bible accounts.

  • Bangalore


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