Did You Know Any Jehovah's Witnesses That "Did" Drugs?

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    My teenage daughter suggested to me that certain kids in well connected families were regular pot smokers. It was always hush hush because of their connections but evidently it was common knowledge within the "in" crowd.

    I knew some adults that were on prescription pills but they had legitimate excuses for being "happy".

    Of course, most JWs I know of, medicate themselves on booze.

  • yknot

    "Certain" younger than me Elderkids were selling them out in the KH parking lot and out in FS.....

    Gee..... just think if my brother had been allowed to hang out with that nice Catholic boy instead of being forced to associate only with JWkids, he never would have had a drug problem......

  • thepackage

    I might have mentioned this before but, the first time I went to a Circuit Assembly I ran into one brother who I would occasionally smoke weed with, another who used to buy coke in my neighborhood (both in High School at the time and son’s of Elders). I never said anything but the always were worried I would say something, which I never did.

  • straightshooter

    No I did not know of any using or selling drugs, but I did know of many a jw who overdrank alcohol.

  • mindmelda

    Lots, if you consider alcohol a legal drug. Or Rx meds. Or pot...well, okay, I know quite a few Witnesses who did and do drugs.

  • minimus

    Methinks a LOT of JW kids smoke weed.

  • mrsjones5

    Yes, it was the "In" group that consisted mostly of elder's kids. During the district assembly lunch intermission they would go out to the Cow Palace parking lot, somewhere way in the back, and smoke pot and do whatever else they were doing back there. I wasn't in that crowd and even if I had been there was no way I was going back there.

  • blondie

    A couple in our hall were df'd for selling at the KH. Several teenage not-baptized males came to the meeting high. My husband could spot them easily but no elders did.

  • VoidEater

    That I know:

    One teenage heroin user (showed off his tracks), two teenage marijuana users (showed me their stash), several teenage tobacco users (saw them smoking).

    Others suspected. So, sure, just like every other religion.

  • Cagefighter

    Jehovah's Witnesses on meth.... There is a scary f*cking thought.


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