My Parents First Taste Of Being Shunned Since They DA'd.

by mentallyfree31 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mentallyfree31

    My parents sent their DA letter back in March. My mom bumped into a JW who has been a friend since 1985, in fact they were baptized the same day at the same convention. This particular JW quit attending meetings in 1996. My mom saw her in a grocery store. My mom spoke and the JW looked at her with a snarky grin and never said a word.

    She became active and quit attending meetings almost 15 years ago, and she heard about my mom DA'ing and refuses to speak. (Note: This didn't hurt my mom's feelings...they are so happy to be out that they could careless what goes on in the JW world. Of course, they feel sorry for their old friends, but their entire family is now out of the cult, so they have plenty of friends and relatives. They are happier than I have ever seen them..)

    Mind control is alive and real. WT really does take over a person's life and control their every move.

    It's so silly when you are on the outside looking in. Elderly men in Brooklyn tell you who can be your friends, who you can and cannot speak to, who you can marry, and hundreds/thousands of other rules. And everybody eats it right up and believes it is the most wonderful loving organization in the world. Unbelievable!

    I hate this cult!


  • BabaYaga
    My mom spoke and the JW looked at her with a snarky grin and never said a word.

    How creepy that she actually grinned but said nothing. Well, with "friends" like that, your Mom is better off without... but it seems she thinks so, too! So glad they are doing so well!

  • OnTheWayOut

    It's very silly that people who don't live by the cult still allow the cult to dictate whom they shun.

  • Gregor

    Once again, I repeat, shunning is a cheap ticket to the New World. Easier than regular meeting attendance, field service , etc.

  • aNewFreeME

    This makes my stomach sick! I am soo glad to be out!!! I never knew what REAL freewill was until I used it.

  • BabaYaga

    Hello and welcome, New Free Me!!!


  • Lozhasleft

    Pleased to hear about your mum and dad and their freedom. Now your mum can choose friends who will offer unconditional friendship which is so much healthier and much more rewarding isnt it?

    Loz x

  • Scott77

    In my case, one of the reason for leaving JW cult was the of marking. I sensed that I was marked. One by one, my 'friends' started avoiding me at meetings, assemblies and outside KH. Yet suprisingly, after stoping from going to their meetings, they started beging me to return even going all the ways to stalk me at work places and at home. That was so disgusting and callous to say the least.

  • boyzone

    Shunning is their way of proving themselves righteous in their own eyes. Your mum's friend probably thinks that she's earned some brownie points with Jehovah for shunning her. She probably feels that even though she isn't attending meetings, at least she isn't as bad as your mum

    Such hypocrisy.

  • RosePetal

    Hi welcome mentallyfree 31 isn't it ironic that someone who has not been attending all those years and would be marked any way for not being active has the bare faced cheek to be rude and ignore your parents, 'unbelievable' another example of hypocritical double standards, reminds me of our situation, we resigned and walked away six months ago.

    The double standards in our family are unbelievable half have not been active for years and ignore us, we even have one who is disfellowshipped that has shunned us even though we still spoke to them and had compassion for their situation and helped them where we could. In our famillies case it's what suits but for many it is total fear of the org. or us hubby calls it 'THE BEAST'.


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