My Parents First Taste Of Being Shunned Since They DA'd.

by mentallyfree31 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ziddina

    "My mom has also seen two or three other JW's from the local congregation over the last 2 months. My mother has spoken to all of them, and they have all spoken back and said hello.

    Soooooo, the ONLY person who refused to speak to her was the person who has been inactive for 15 years..."

    Oooo - KAY, I know I'm taking the "Road Less Traveled" here, but that convinces me further that the "inactive" lady may actually have been 'actively' FADING for the last X# of years - "almost 15 years ago"...

    SO - if she's "inactive" - actively separating herself from the religion/cult - and hasn't had much, if any contact with the JW congregation(s), then it is highly likely that she still perceived your mother as an "active" JW...

    Which would make her even less likely to be friendly...

    My totally different 'take' on this situation - but I get the feeling there's further information - or shades of meaning - that are involved...


  • mentallyfree31

    Clarification: She definitely knew my mother was disassociated. She is a close friend of some active JW's, and there is no doubt that she knew probably within days of it being announced.

  • Gregor

    At least part of the shunning is fear. I remember seeing df'd people out in public, and they looked all normal and happy and I'm like "what the hell!"


    LOL. lisa, you always crack me up.

    As far as the snarky smile in the grocery store it seems to me that when these encounters occur that there is a great chance of mis-interpretation by both parties involved. They are likely caught off guard in the produce department and neither has a well thought out response to meeting up face to face with a former brother/sister who is now, according to your point of view, either a spawn of satan or a self righteous judge of you as human being.

    The snarky smile could be almost anything. Maybe she had just farted a little louder than she intended and was embarrassed.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I agree with Gregor. There's lots of room for misinterpretation here. This inactive woman is more than likely very confused about her religious beliefs and life in general. There are so many conflicting emotions when you leave the JWs. It's hard to sort them out.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Your Mom wins!

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