After Reinstatement

by truthlover 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthlover

    Yes Gayle you are right there -- but I

    started the clapping and the rest of the cong followed up on it -- later it was mentioned by a sister that we dont do that anymore, do we? I said I didnt care -- and later the elders didnt say a word -- am I different??

  • cyberjesus

    bob has it right. There are restrictions for sure. they will announce it in the cong that you are and in the one where you were dfd. They wont say anything about restrictions.

    BOB welcome.

  • Gayle

    truthlover, I am so glad you clapped and the crowd followed,,isn't it 'empowering' doing the right thing and then ones (who aren't suppose to) follow you to do the right thing also. Amazing when that happens,, good happens in spite.

  • TMS

    The monitoring of the restrictions and their gradual removal is one of the most uneven aspects of the JW "judicial" system. If someone moving after DFing seeks reinstatement, his or her new congregation forms a committee to monitor repentence, conduct hearings. If the original DFing congregation is close enough they may choose to conduct a reinstatement hearing. The new congregation can only recommend reinstatement. The final decision rests with the original congregation. Restrictions and their removal are always at the discretion of the current congregation since they see the person day to day.

    Some committees quickly discharge all restrictions. Others wait till asked. Some drag things out, insisting on perfection.

    One of my saddest moments as a so-called elder occurred in the mid-80's. I was encouraging a young married sister to auxiliary pioneer. She said: "I can't." I asked why. She said: "You know why." An indescretion in the early 70's with her then boyfriend had caused a judicial committee to be formed. No one, including me had ever informed her of her restrictions being removed. She had been feeling that weight for over a decade.


  • truthlover

    Thanks so much for all the replies -- will have some ammo to tell them what exactly to expect

  • OnTheWayOut

    Privileges schmivleges. If they are getting reinstated just to have family stop shunning them, then get the announcement and don't worry about privileges. To have the elders say "no commenting, no theocratic school, no leading in prayer, no microphone handling, etc." is awesome. Just sit there if you come.

    The elders want you to make every meeting and to bow to their requests that you improve your field recruiting and they dangle "privileges" in front of you to get it. Screw the privileges. People won't remember that you are not allowed to comment anyway.

  • ziddina

    I'm with OnTheWayOut on this one; the less privileges they would "bless" me with, the better!!!

    In fact, if - as OnTheWayOut said - there's to be no "commenting, theocratic school, microphone handling, leading in prayer" [is there any way to get out of field service, too???], I'd be happy as a clam... Only attending meetings?? I'd bring my tape recorder... [and you know where THAT would be posted!! ]

    That's IF - huge IF - I were interested in returning - and if they'd reinstate an "Apostate"!!!


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