After Reinstatement

by truthlover 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthlover

    Can any current elders, ms, etc. tell me if restrictions are given when a person is re instated since 2005?? I ask this as I am reading the requirements for re instatement -- it says a person has to prove they WANT to be reinstated and have to attend meetings for a year or more before the elders would even accept the letter request for re instatement.....

    Then when re instated, and the person is genuinely repentant, the 1989 OM book says there is an announcement made of the reinstatement and at the same time there would be mention of any restrictions that apply until the person has regained "a measure of spiritual strength"....

    NOW: in the 2005 Organized to do Jehovahs Will book -- it says on page 157 that only the announcement is made of the reinstatement, no restrictions issue is mentioned.. so if a person who was out of the truth for 6 years -raised in it-- - attended meetings faithfully for over a year, and stayed separate even from parents until reinstated --should there be restrictions given since service and meeting attendance, etc. is all up to par since reinstatement - moreso that some of the cong numbers???? Change of requirements for re instatement?? I ask as this person has had to have a study, that will take about another 6 mos to a year to get thru. and it doesnt seem correct.. can anyone help..just need the facts pls..



  • Bob1234

    Whenever there is a reinstatement there are always restrictions however they are no longer announced to the congregation. As far as getting the restrictions removed that is up to the judicial committee and they will probably return them over slowly...perhaps allowing commenting at meetings a few months after reinstatement and then a few months later allowing that person to join the TMS.

  • Soldier77

    After reinstatement (this is firsthand experience and I've been through it twice ) you are put on restrictions, and this is what they tell you, at least what they told me in both instances, that its to slowly bring you back up to speed and break you in slowly towards giving talks, commenting, praying (if a bro) etc. It basicly goes in 3 month intervals if they are keeping tabs on you. Most times you have to bug them for the "privileges" though. I went 6 months before getting one back, then they gave it all at once since I called them out as slackers! lol!

    In other words... control control control.....

  • SnakesInTheTower

    when I left as an elder Dec 2006...the announcement of reinstatement was made at the Service Meeting "So and So is once again one of Jehovah's Witnesses". Though the restrictions are not announced, they are made known to the elders (and MS on need to know basis). The only thing that a person who is reinstated gets back at first is field ministry (as they are now known as a JW again) and field service reports are once again accepted. Of course, the Service Overseer would be overseeing their reintroduction to the ministry, especially if a length of time has passes since a person was active.

    Elders would of course know what restrictions were in place (and such restrictions, and dates they are lifted, would be written on the outside of the JC envelope in the file...this allows all elders to keep aware of all DF/DA/restrictions, etc. without knowing the details of the case itself.)

    MS in the congo may need to know about restrictions. ie., a brother reinstated might be asked to offer prayer at a meeting for service or read or comment. If an elder is conducting, they automatically would know if the reinstated brother had these "privleges" back. If a MS were conducting, then he too would need to know. So generally any elder, and any MS acting in capacities of teaching or leading the flock would need to know.

    Depending on the congo, this would be hard to keep up with. Honesty on the reinstated persons part would keep them from accepting any such thing while under restriction. Wind of breaking restriction gets back to the JC.... it would slow the lifting of restrictions.

    As for Bible studies with a reinstated person. If it has been only a year or two, then likely the study would be a targeted "as needed" study to make sure the reinstated person is on board with the GB. If it has been longer, or a new publication has been studied in the field, or the person seems to not know the basics, then probably the 6-12 month study would be held.

    I just thought of something though...I really dont care any more, but the fact that I still remember this crap from 3.5 years go is scary...LOL...any more recent info?

    Snakes (Rich )

  • truthlover


    The JC was not in the same territory - so would the cong they are currently in have placed the restriction or the original JC in another cong?

    reinstatement was 6 mos ago-- nothing done at that time other than no comments or MS.. then 5 mos later wants a book study conducted -

    seems that there is a run around going on and that person is getting very discouraged as they are going in FS and attending all meetings, etc.

  • truthlover


    Nothing new thats why I am asking - if something got by me, as u can se from my reply to Bob, it looks like slacking is indeed going on..

    Thanks for the info Soldier77 and SITT..... appreciate it....

  • blondie

    Those are all ideal conditions...I have seen the elders on the JC not communicate with each other as to what has been given back, not communicated with the jw what has been given back, and not even followed up with the jw as to their progress.

    I remember one sister came to the meeting at the hall and saw her name on the school. None of the elders had said a thing to her that this "privilege" had been given back. When she approached the school overseer about it, he obviously had forgotten that she was on restrictions, he quickly met with the other 2 elders for about 2 minutes and then told her that all her restrictions had been lifted but they forgot to tell her!!!! Right!

  • truthlover


    Wish that would happen in this case, its been a bad experience for the person from day one -- if they keep it up there will be one missing in months to come I will bet you $5 on that

  • leavingwt

    Bob1234 -- Welcome to the forum!

  • Gayle

    And the congregation is restricted to even clap their hands in happiness for one at the time of the announcement, because one would still have to 'prove' themselves. So cold, unwelcoming, unloving.

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