The Bible, Why not Reliable?

by sayitsnotso 93 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    The people in this thread who say that one needs to demonstrate that the bible IS fiction or that the bible ISN'T the word of God have got it completely the wrong way round. Either because they know they haven't got a leg to stand on or because they're batshit crazy.

    Either way, for one of them to use that kind of reasoning & then call an unbeliever ignorant is pretty laughable. I pity these poor lunatics.

  • Terry

    We have an infinite ability to imagine to NOT confrom to our "reality of the time", something the no other being that we know of can do.

    That gift is there for a reason I believe.

    We can imagine that a Giant Turd with thirteen eyes made the universe out of a cosmic monkey's ass.

    No reality need be attached to what we can imagine.

    But--to base our life on it......whew.

  • cyberjesus

    SINS: If after reading LEOLAIA's fantastic and accurate summary and responses to your questions an TERRY's reasoning questions and you dont with honesty ponder on those FACTS.... then you can officially join PSacramento's Religion :-) But we will love you anyway.

    My friend you have there a pretty damn good summary. It took me 2 months of daily research just to find the information that is in this thread. So save yourself two more months of your life and research the points made here. Thank the board later!

    Good questions though. I had the same questions too. I think all of us here.

    and FYI dont forget there are no original manuscripts of the bible. So any interpretation is still relaying on the fact that we are interpreting something we can never confirm really existed or its accuracy.

  • PSacramento

    Yes. I would ask whether ANY form of historical writing is an original autograph text, or a copy of copies. If the oldest writing available is a copy of copies, then there is no way to know for certain the accuracy of that copy as it relates to both its details and its relationship to some alleged original.

    I am glad because it is crucil to understand the NT, for example, in the ocntext of other historical writings.

    For example, the first autobiography of Alexander was written 800 years AFTER his death.

  • PSacramento
    We can imagine that a Giant Turd with thirteen eyes made the universe out of a cosmic monkey's ass.
    No reality need be attached to what we can imagine.
    But--to base our life on it......whew.

    While extermissim is great fun when applied with a sense of humour, I assume you understood what I mean right?

    Imagination got us on the Moon, made flight possible, drove us to understand the universe.

  • Leolaia
    For example, the first autobiography of Alexander was written 800 years AFTER his death.

    I think you mean something else because this statement is not too coherent, especially in relation to the copying of manuscripts discussed above. Later biographies would not be autobiographies, and the oldest extant biography is that of Plutarch, who wrote in the first century AD (i.e. about 300-400 years after Alexander's death). But that wasn't the first biography about Alexander that was written. That credit belongs to Callisthenes, who was a professional historian hired by Alexander himself and whose history of Alexander (now lost but which was used by most later biographies) was written before Alexander's death.

  • Cadellin

    When I grow up, I want to be Leolaia

  • Cadellin

    Everytime I think I'm smart, I read something Leo's posted and realize that I am Gumby...


  • PSacramento
    I think you mean something else because this statement is not too coherent, especially in relation to the copying of manuscripts discussed above. Later biographies would not be autobiographies, and the oldest extant biography is that of Plutarch, who wrote in the first century AD (i.e. about 300-400 years after Alexander's death). But that wasn't the first biography about Alexander that was written. That credit belongs to Callisthenes, who was a professional historian hired by Alexander himself and whose history of Alexander (now lost but which was used by most later biographies) was written before Alexander's death.

    "Not too coherent" is too kind !


    Sorry, I meant that the oldest Biography we have of Alexander, not first and when I was editing parts from the original post the "800" years got left over from somthing else I was gonna add.

    I really need to proof read my stuff, the perils of "speed posting" from work !

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    PSacramento, we're clever here, we see through lies, don't try it.

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