The Bible, Why not Reliable?

by sayitsnotso 93 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PSacramento
    Undeniable proof that it did not accurately predict the future.

    What future? which future?

  • Terry
    WHAT would it take for you to NOT believe the Bible is the word of God?

    Undeniable proof that it did not accurately predict the future.

    For you to actually KNOW that the bible writer spoke about FUTURE events in ADVANCE of them happening wouldn't you need to know exactly WHEN they wrote?

    Otherwise, how easy is it for a writer to simply say: "This is what Jesus said was going to happen" a way of bolstering belief in Jesus as a supernatural person with prescient power.

    Tell me---HOW DO YOU KNOW when the bible writers wrote about....say....the destruction of Jerusalem? Did Paul ever mention such an event?

  • sayitsnotso
    For you to actually KNOW that the bible writer spoke about FUTURE events in ADVANCE of them happening wouldn't you need to know exactly WHEN they wrote?

    You asked what would make me not believe. I told you. Can you proove that the bible did not accurately fortell the future, like Jeruselum's destruction as you allude to in your post?

  • yknot


    I am wondering why it really matters since a person is cannot discern the Bible on their own with WTS guidance......

  • notverylikely

    Undeniable proof that it did not accurately predict the future.

    You can't prove that something didn't happen when the thing you are asking about is open to interpretation.

    You asked what would make me not believe. I told you. Can you proove that the bible did not accurately fortell the future, like Jeruselum's destruction as you allude to in your post?

    Yes. I can. It foretold .... well, without interpretation, what did it foretell? That something bad would happen at some point.


    1. All i can say to this is that you need to do more research on the history of the bible, you don't strike me as having done much. And really, how can you call it harmonious? It is full of contradictions & multiple themes.

    I have heard this so many times from skeptics. What has led you to this conclusion?

    2. Most of the prophecies were either self-fulfilling or were written about after the event (such as in the case of Babylon) & many of them probably never came true anyway (Jesus anyone?).

    Again, what has led you to this conclusion?

    4. I'm beginning to think that this thread is satire. Is it? If it is then you should have made that more clear. And really, go & get a decent science book, read it from start to finish, then re-read the biblical sections relating to science & then get back to me. Much of the bible is scientifically inaccurate (bats are fowl?, birds appeared at the same time as fish?, the earth was created before the sun?, the earth hangs on nothing AND has pillars, corners & the heavens have windows?) & as for the parts that are accurate, most of those things were already known by the ancient egyptians 2000 years before the earliest parts of the bible were written. People were not as ignorant back in those days as you might think.

    I see that you are either ignorant of hyperbole, similies, and other literary devices used to convey abstract ideas in concrete terms. Further, why do you find fault in a book that has a specific theme, the redemption of sinful humanity, and which does not afford attention to issues that are not perinent to its theme? Would you pick up a history book, and expect a full treatment of quantum physics?

    5. How do you know they were being honest? Since much of what they wrote isn't consistent with history, it seems that calling them honest is an odd thing to do, they were either dishonest or misinformed. And if you're referring to people like Moses being honest about his own failures... hmm, check out the REAL history of the Torah, it wasn't written by Moses. In fact, Moses may not have even existed.

    Again, how do you come to these conclusions? Time after time archeologists have made discovories that confirm the biblical record.

  • Terry

    Undeniable proof that it did not accurately predict the future.

    You can't prove that something didn't happen when the thing you are asking about is open to interpretation.

    You asked what would make me not believe. I told you. Can you proove that the bible did not accurately fortell the future, like Jeruselum's destruction as you allude to in your post?

    Yes. I can. It foretold .... well, without interpretation, what did it foretell? That something bad would happen at some point.

    Don't miss my point.

    YOU have to be able to KNOW with some proof or evidence or certainty based on fact WHEN THE BIBLE WRITER was writing.

    Was the writer writing AFTER the event and calling it as though it were BEFORE?

    Unless you positively know that----you have NO BASIS for faith in prophecy.

    That is what I'm saying.

    I ask you again. HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN the bible writer was writing prophecy? How do you KNOW it was before the event?

    I'm interested in how you convinced yourself.

    That's all I'm asking.

  • PSacramento

    Lets us take Jesus' prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem, IF ( and this is a big if for many) those words were spoken before the fall then it is indeed a prophecy come true and sicne Jesus was referring to Jerusalem then it is not a case of making the prophecy "fit".

    OF course the other issue is that IF he was prophecysing the fall of Jerusalem then he was NOT prophecising the "gentile times" crap.

  • Terry

    Time after time archeologists have made discovories that confirm the biblical record.

    This is sleight of hand at its worst, actually.

    If you read any John Grisham novel you will find a great many actual places and things which DO EXIST woven into his totally FICTIONAL stories.

    Now, think about this--will you please?

    Two thousand years from now archeologists will make many discoveries which CONFIRM GRISHAM'S record!!


  • Terry

    Lets us take Jesus' prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem, IF ( and this is a big if for many) those words were spoken before the fall then it is indeed a prophecy come true and sicne Jesus was referring to Jerusalem then it is not a case of making the prophecy "fit".

    YES--how can we VERIFY exactly WHEN those words were spoken by Jesus?

    Answer: We can't.

    Without knowing this essential fact it is absolutely impossible to verify the prophetic nature of this or any other scripture by way of FORETELLING THE FUTURE IN ADVANCE.

    It becomes a cheap magician's trick!

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