You may have forgotten about me but here's my update

by doublelife 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lozhasleft

    I dont know you cos I'm fairly new on here myself but I am so happy for you. I too left an abusive husband who was 'wonderful and funny and charm itself' in the K hall....I stayed far too long and I hope you havent. It took a long time but people saw through him in the end although the elders bore me a grudge for ending the marriage despite the terrible violence at the end. I had a teenager and many battles to face....but now today...I have a new life with a wonderful new husband (an atheist in fact ) and I am at Uni doing a degree as a mature student in English Drama & Performance....I've just finished the first year and have loved every minute...

    Like you I have enjoyed the thrill of performing, and its been marvellous for my confidence, and being out and about with friends just enjoying life...they wonder at how fond I am of them...but their unconditional friendship and non judgemental attitudes just do me so much good I cant not love them.

    I wish you all the best in your new others have said just be careful....

    Loz x

  • doublelife

    Lozhasleft: Thanks. Thought I do want to clear up that he's not physically abusive, but he is emotionally. I just don't want anyone to think he's done something that he hasn't. I'm glad things are going good for you.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Sounds like you're doing great. Thanks for the update.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Thought I do want to clear up that he's not physically abusive, but he is emotionally

    in discussions I have had with women who confided in me that have been both physically and emotionally abused by their husbands, some (not all) have expressed that emotional abuse is harder to take.... i..e., physical abuse -- people can see the marks... and the marks usually heal.... but emotional abuse no one sees any marks... and the pschyological damage often takes a long time, if ever, to heal.

    glad to see you are making positive steps out of that situation....

    The question is rhetorical, but: Why do people abuse their spouse? I dont get it. (usually we speak of men abusing women, but it can be reverse). Either you love them or not. Call me naive (I'll say it: "Snakes, you are naive").

    I would never intentionally hurt my fiancee. I have, at times, said things that were hurtful...never intentionally...but still did it and so has she..thats human nature. How we deal with it afterwards determines the kind of partner and human being we are.

    I would never hit my fiancee or her son. I love them both too much for that. So when I see other guys (esp) doing that to their wive/partner... I get very very angry. I guess we do not know what goes on behind closed doors and inside people's heads.

    ..sigh.... good luck to you as you move forward in your journey to a new life.

    Snakes (Rich )

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