Who is the President of the WTS?

by Ivor Hope 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ivor Hope
    Ivor Hope

    How many JWs know the name of their current President?

    Everyone knows about Russell, Rutherford, Knorr and Franz. Most know about Henschel but I haven't come across any that know the name of the current pres.

    I believe it's Don Adams - and he doesn't even claim to be one of the "remnant"!!

  • Carlo

    You are right. Don adams is president.

    But last year the WTS was divided in two parts: The spiritual WTS and the business. i don't know for which of them DA is president.


  • Frenchy

    The whole idea behind this, according to the WTBS, was to 'free' the GB to devote themselves to spiritual matters so I would imagnine that Don is not sitting in and presiding over their meetings. His job is restricted to the legal corporation(s) under his care.

    Does anyone know about the other legal corporations and if they each have a CEO?

  • gumby

    Quote: "and he doesn't even claim to be one of the "remnant"

    Being of the remnant and serving in a legal capacity as president was chucked out the window in a study article prior to election of Don Adams as president.

    It was shown in the article scripturally, how the great crowd would take over for the remnant and would serve as "PRINCES" in all the earth.

  • Motema Bolingo
    Motema Bolingo

    There is a complete diagram of the "new" WT on my site.
    In french, unfortunately, but listings are easy to understand.
    Go to http://users.skynet.be/jacques.luc
    and then to topic : "Reorganisation de la Watch Tower" (Watch Tower reorganization).

  • Erich


    [It was shown in the article scripturally, how the great crowd would take over for the remnant and would serve as "PRINCES" in all the earth.

    "PRINCES"-class cannot be the Great Crowd. Error. They only are elder, CO's DO's and higher pos...
    Horrible view...;-)

  • Erich

    I presume in some years every member of the "great crowd" has to wear a distinguishing mark, such as at the army etc.
    It's to characterize any sheep of being a PRINCE (MS, elder, CO, DO or higher..) or a plain one..

  • JT

    Governing Body

    Date of birth

    John Barr (b. 1913)
    Carey Barber (b. 1905)
    Milton Henschel (b. 1920)
    Samuel Herd (b. 1935)
    Theodore Jaracz (b. 1925)
    Karl Klein (b. 1905)
    Steve Lett (b. 1949)
    Gerrit Losch (b. 1941)
    Guy Pierce (b. 1934)
    Albert Schroeder (b. 1911)
    David Splane (b. 1944)
    Lyman Swingle (b. 1910)
    Daniel Sydlik (b. 1919)

    Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (Incorporated 1884)
    President Don A. Adams
    Vice Presidents Robert W. Wallen, William F. Malenfant
    Secretary/Treasurer Richard E. Abrahamson
    Directors Danny L. Bland, Philip D. Wilcox, John N. Wischuk

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. (Incorporated 1909)
    President Max H. Larson
    Vice Presidents George M. Couch, Lonnie R. Schilling
    Secretary/Treasurer Gerald F. Simonis
    Directors Gerald D. Grizzle, David G. Sinclair, Robert M. Pevy

    Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (Incorporated 2000)
    President William L. Van De Wall
    Vice Presidents Charles I. Woody, Leon Weaver, Jr.
    Secretary/Treasurer William H. Nonkes
    Directors Harold K. Jackson, Merton V. Campbell, Stanley F. Weigel

    Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses (Incorporated 2000)
    President Patrick J. LaFranca
    Vice Presidents Peter D. Molchan, Ralph E. Walls
    Secretary/Treasurer Joseph D. Mercante
    Directors Marvin G. Smalley, Kenneth J. Pulcifer, Eugene D. Rosam, Jr.

    Kingdom Support Services, Inc. (Incorporated 2000)
    President Harold L. Corkern
    Vice Presidents Alan D. Janzen, Robert L. Butler
    Secretary/Treasurer Alexander W. Reinmueller
    Directors James F. Mantz, Jr., Thomas Kalimeris, Alan G. Browning

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New Jersey, Inc. (Incorporated 1955)
    President Charles V. Molohan
    Vice Presidents James L. Bauer, J. Richard Brown
    Secretary/Treasurer Alan K. Flowers
    Directors Allen E. Shuster, David L. Walker, Vernon C. Wisegarver

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Florida, Inc. (Incorporated 1986)
    President Leonard R. Pearson
    Vice Presidents Alejandro G. Rodriguez, Maurice C. Turcot
    Secretary/Treasurer Mark L. Questell
    Directors Jim Moody, Sr., Anselm J. Packnett, Donald R. Krebs

    Valley Farms Corporation (Incorporated 1987)
    President Charles J. Rice
    Vice Presidents Kent E. Fischer, Robert L. Rains
    Secretary/Treasurer Albert L. Harrell
    Directors John R. Strandberg, Samuel D. Buck, Louis A. Travis

  • JT

    didn't have time to clean out THE DEAD GUYS

  • moman

    What a nice cushy deal these G.B. old-farts have! Traveling the world being treated like royality! They need not worry about making a living & silly things like health ins., pay them no mind. They just make a few speeches on the evils of money, while the rank & file Dubs grovel in their uneducated,uninsured, low income little world. Kinda reminds ya of the Pope, doesn't it?

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