A sister from an old congregation wants to talk to me tomorrow....

by not a captive 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lozhasleft

    I think I'd keep your conversation restricted to your disagreement with the org issues, if she's genuinely looking for help herself with doubts that will help her. I wouldnt impart any details about your personal life because as others have said she might be looking to gossip, and be using her friendship with your boss to access you which she could then maybe explain away as accidental. I think the way you handled her last time was impressive and I reckon you'll be fine ...speak your mind....

    Loz x

  • nelly136


    if she knows where you work she could have dropped you a note or a call stating her purpose and giving you the opportunity of choice of when and if you even want to see her.

    i agree with mrs jones about your boss overstepping.

  • spawn

    Tell her "thanks but no thanks" and tell your boss to keep nose out!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Don't show her everything as one poster suggested.

    If she is there to talk religion, just pick one subject and don't change it or let her change it.

    If she wants to change the subject, you have the correct subject. It will not go in your favour if she derails the conversation to something she is more comfortable with.

    Don't tell her stuff, she won't listen. Ask a question instead. There is no point in telling a Dubbie that they have a false religion. Ask questions designed to get them to admit it to you.






    If she refuses to answer your questions, kick her out.

    If she is not there to re-activate you, be her friend. She might be on her way out too.



  • MidwichCuckoo

    What nelly said - weird - to contact your employer (rather than drop you a note/text directly) to speak to you...?

  • nelly136

    **If she is there to talk religion, just pick one subject and don't change it or let her change it........... ** or just tell her to naff off, cos she has no business to invade your place of work to preach to you.

    on the other hand she may have her own doubts or need a friend because shes left, still a weird way to go about getting in touch when a call would probably have sufficed.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    or just tell her to naff off, cos she has no business to invade your place of work to preach to you.

    I would rather a JW was frightened to come back because you keep digging up their cognitive dissonance.

    My plan is to have them promising to get back to me with an answer to the question they couldn't/wouldn't answer, knowing that they are lying to me as they damned well know they haven't got an answer. They have to sleep at night.

  • Jim_TX

    Like others have already noted - the fact that she didn't contact you directly - but go through a 'mediator' - should have alarm bells going off in your head.

    I would do my best to keep it OFF of a religious-themed conversation. Keep it on other things (but mot personal details beyond the facts that you are happy now, etc.) - since after all - you're no longer a JW - why should you discuss anything about that religion?

    Tell her if she REALLY wants to talk about the issues you have with JWs and that religion - she can contact you directly - and you two can meet at a local coffee shop - not during work time.


    Jim TX

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Maeve - keep us posted. I am in a similar situation and trying to decide how to proceed. I was very close to a sister growing up. We have not been on the scene for 4 years now. No efforts by any of "the friends" to find out why, no calls, letters, etc. Well a few weeks ago hubby and I were out for lunch and ran into this sister and her husband who were out w/ a congo for hospitality. After their lunch they came over and sat with us for over an hour. We talked like old times. Nothing about the religion just chit chat.

    So I get this message from her that she wants to "schedule a time to talk".....hmmm.

    Cult Classic

  • steve2

    Teach people how to treat you instead of moaning about predicament:

    1) Your boss needs to learn about appropriate boundaries - or, better still, you need to tell her she's not youyr secretary or, if that will jeopardize your employment, 2) Directly and firmly tell this meddling JW woman you do not want to talk to her... unless, of course, she learns to approach you directly. Or do both 1) and 2).

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