Do You Think Prostitution Should Be Illegal?

by minimus 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave
  • TheClarinetist

    I agree with White Dove. Legalizing prostitution would cut down on crime rates and make it safer for the women who are going to be working the streets anyway.

    While we're at it... They should legalize marajuana as well.

  • AGuest

    Excluding child prostitution, no, dear Minimum (peace to you!)... for the same reasons as White Dove, et al.

    Peace to all!

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who ain't castin' no stones at nobody nor judgin' nobody's else's house servants...

  • blondie

    Some people interpret consenting adults as 14 and 15 year olds....So min, do you have an age barrier...when is someone old enough to consent...a long debated question.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Age of consent I thought was 18 if it was with another adult.

  • inkling
    A slave of Christ,

    Sounds kinky, but as long as you both are consenting adults...

  • sammielee24


    You have kids who are legal at 18 to go fight and die for their country, the same country that forks over cash to mercenaries to work for them, but paid sex between two consenting adults is illegal? Go figure.

    Just decide on the legal age and work from there. In NY it is against the law to carry condoms or else it can be used against you in court - it's seen as part of Florida, they won't sign a bill there outlawing bestiality - the profession isn't going away. Kind of like the war on drugs - perhaps we need to examine why we are against it, why we spend so much time policing it and what we can really do to enact change.

    We need to establish the age on consent across the board, the legal age of adulthood in this country and set laws accordingly. I can't for the life of me fathom why some places you can drink at 18 and others at 21, can't buy cigs under 16 in some or under 19 in others - sex is all over the place but dammit! War is okay at 18 for everyone! sammieswife.

  • minimus

    My understanding is that the "age of consent" is usually 18. (legally).

  • brizzzy

    In some states the age of consent is 16 (yet you're still considered a minor until 18). If prostitution were legalized, possibly "non-minor" should be specified, rather than "anybody the age of consent"?

  • brizzzy

    (Oh wow, I just looked it up, and in some states the age of consent is as low as 14. So yeah, should probably specify "consenting non-minor", and so regulate it to anybody 18 and over).

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