Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Atheist

by BurnTheShips 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tec

    I thought this was cute, even though I also know atheists who fit a few of BTS's points.

    I never got offended from the fundie Christian top ten, because it didn't apply to me. I didn't even answer it; though sometimes the implication is that every Christian holds to some of those points. Which is just as generalizing as BTS is being here, but I kind of thought he was trying to make that point as well as 'all fundamentalists have the same attitude, regardless of belief or faith'.


  • Caedes

    Number one sign you are fundamentally an idiot, you have to have the section below in italics stated specifically or you jump to a spectacularly idiotic conclusion.

    If your claims about your god are true then it follows that your god is responsible for natural disasters.


  • PSacramento
    You know what? Sometimes I f'ing hate you, man.

    Don't hate bro, it's all about the love !

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Read the title of this thread and think of the implication of your question.

    Perhaps you are driving at a point I am not seeing.

    I would say that's very likely.

  • PSacramento

    and for the ladies, because it's the kind of guy I am :)

  • mkr32208

    The only one even remotely true that I saw is 7 the rest is just stupid.

    Whats funny to me is that the majority of the list does not describe an atheist at all, it describes a fallen believer who still believes in god. Someone cursing god for not existing? Blaming god? I mean PP gave a pretty good breakdown but this is just silly backlash from the mentally ill believers.

    The ONLY sign that your an atheist is that you don't believe in god. The rest is completely up to the individual.

  • bluecanary

    Wow. I didn't think this thread could be any worse than ridiculous assertions about atheism. Then it devolved into the sexual objectification of women.

  • bluecanary

    Thanks for that bit of gender egalitarianism, PSac.

  • bluecanary
    Whats funny to me is that the majority of the list does not describe an atheist at all, it describes a fallen believer who still believes in god. The ONLY sign that your an atheist is that you don't believe in god.

    Well said, mkr.

  • inkling
    11. You declare on a public forum that you are "furious at God for not existing."........!!!!

    So I take it you feel CS Lewis was a fundamentalist atheist?

    Lewis: I was at that time living like many atheists; in a whirl of contradictions. I maintained that God did not exist. I was also very angry with God for not existing. I was equally angry with him for creating a world. Why should creatures have the burden of existence forced on them without their consent?

    Once again, I think the character in this list of yours in sometimes not, by definition, an atheist.

    A conflicted theist perhaps...


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