Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Atheist

by BurnTheShips 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BurnTheShips

    Please note that this list is intended to apply to the fundies alone. Not to all nonbelievers. So let's turn the mirror and grab some popcorn:

    1. You vigorously deny the existence of God, yet you frequently blame him for all the "evils" in the world, all the natural disasters, and everything else under the sun that is wrong in modern society.

    2. You think that it is possible to talk meaningfully about "good and evil" "right and wrong" when criticizing the sins of Christians while simultaneously subscribing to the notion that neither sin nor good and evil exist as ultimate categories but only as personal and social constructs.

    3. You think that human beings are merely the products of blind, uncaring, evolution but when it comes to human reason (a product of the same process) we can believe in it without question!

    4. You believe that when the Founders are framing the Constitution, they're staunch non-Christians, but when they're beating their slaves, they're Bible-believing Christians.

    5. When you use a historical point to prove Christianity is false, history is objective truth. When a Christian uses historical evidence to prove you false, history was written by subjective men and therefore cannot be trusted.

    6. You insist that "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence", then claim that Jesus never existed.

    7. You accuse Christians of being intolerant, judgmental and hateful, while you foam at the mouth calling them lunatics, ignorant, weak-minded, and stupid.

    8. You think atheists are treated like second-class citizens. Then you spend most of your day belittling Christians and other religious people on JWN.

    9. You think "freethought" and "thinking for yourself" automatically means adopting an atheist viewpoint.

    10. You adamantly refuse to recognise the historical fact that "scientific atheism" was both a foundational philosophical position and an actual policy of the Soviet Union and other atheist states from the time of Lenin on, and responsible for massive persecution, torture, suffering, humiliation and death far in excess of the numbers of the "victims" of Christianity.

    As we can see, fundamentalists, whether Atheist or Christian, have far more in common in how they think than they think.

    But I am enjoying assembling this little list, so let's carry on!

    11. You declare on a public forum that you are "furious at God for not existing."........!!!!

    12. You criticize Christians who believe in the Bible, and say that it can't possibly be true because it's just a book written by mere men, yet you never question any of Richard Dawkins' books.

    13. You claim, with a straight face, that "social Darwinism" and its child, eugenics, have absolutely no connection to the biological theories propounded by Charles Darwin in "On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life"

    14. When the Pope says that God may have used evolution, he is an enlightened religious leader whom Christians should listen to. When the Pope preaches on the sanctity of human life from conception, and thus denounces abortion, he's just a senile religious bigot who should keep his opinions to himself.

    15. You think that religious wars have killed more people than any other kind of war, even though the largest wars of the last 200 years (World War I and II, Civil War, etc.) had no discernable religious causes.

    16. You assert that a fundamentalist Christian is an authentic Christian, but a non-fundamentalist one is "wishy-washy."

    17. You believe that Hitler claiming to be a Christian is undeniable proof that he was a Christian, while George Washington only claimed to be a Christian in order to win the people's favor.

    18. You demand that theists explain news items where bad things have happened to theists, even though no theists on the board have claimed that belief in God is some kind of a lucky charm that wards off bad luck.

    19. You think that Reverend Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church does what he does because of his Christianity, but yet when other Christians give their lives in service to a good cause, they do this in spite of their Christianity.

    20. You are part of a non-belief organization such as American Atheists, Church of Freethought, Humanist Association of Canada, Student Freethought Alliance and/or the Council of Secular Humanism. You claim these organizations have absolutely no creeds and that the people involved independently think of different things from one another. Yet of course, on your organization's website they define the commonalities that all non-believers follow. Is that not the definition of creed?

    *deep bow from a "wishy-washy" non-fundamentalist Christian*


  • PSacramento

    How did I know that we would have one of these lists?

    LOL !
    Nice one BTS, very well done.

    It does point out how much fundamentalists on BOTH SIDES of the equation, are alike.

    A jewish friend of mine mentioned something in am email yeatserday and he is proabbly right, extremissim is lamost impossible to iradicate because all it does it take on a new form - the extremisst believer becomes the extremisst non-believer.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    You know you're a Fundamentalist Atheist, when you can't admit, that a belief that there is no Creator/God, is a presupposition.

  • bohm

    hehe... i could have a lot of fun with a few of the issues you raise, but i think i would like to add this:

    • You believe the human brain is a product of evolution, ie. it has been optimized for selecting thoughts based on their survival value and NOT their truth value, and yet you treat religion as a parasitic evil thought (a fundie would call it a meme ;-) ) without understanding that it may, by your own assumption, be completely rational. You also forget that this defect (selecting ideas based on their survival value instead of truth value) call into question other ideas you may not scrutinize as hard as religion.
  • bohm

    another one - go completely nuts over 'non-fundamentalist' religion and attempt to glue those two together by all means.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    I can't think of anyone in the world who any of the items on that list would apply to. You're describing a hypothetical atheist who simply does not exist. Atheists are usually rationalists, & rationalists cannot really afford to be fundamentalist about anything.

    You also strike me as being a closet atheist in denial, trying your best to cling on to theism. It will prove to be in vain i'm afraid.

  • notverylikely

    1. You vigorously deny the existence of God, yet you frequently blame him for all the "evils" in the world, all the natural disasters, and everything else under the sun that is wrong in modern society.

    Actually, it's the crazies that do stuff in their respective god's name that get the blame.

    4. You believe that when the Founders are framing the Constitution, they're staunch non-Christians, but when they're beating their slaves, they're Bible-believing Christians.

    Don't forget the rape, that's all in the bible too.

    If you're gonna make fun of people (which I am all for), try not to trip and fall on your face in the mud on your way out of the gate :)

  • bohm

    The following statements (when made as sweeping generalizations):

    "Religion is an infectious, damaging, meme" - claimed without real evidence.

    "Religious people are on an endless guilt-trip" - also without real evidence.

    "Teaching your religion to your kids is teh evil" - backed up with a vague reference to how fundies install fear in their children.

  • notverylikely

    You know you're a Fundamentalist Atheist, when you can't admit, that a belief that there is no Creator/God, is a presupposition.

    Why is that pre-supposition? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  • BurnTheShips
    You believe the human brain is a product of evolution, ie. it has been optimized for selecting thoughts based on their survival value and NOT their truth value, and yet you treat religion as a parasitic evil thought (a fundie would call it a meme ;-) ) without understanding that it may, by your own assumption, be completely rational. You also forget that this defect (selecting ideas based on their survival value instead of truth value) call into question other ideas you may not scrutinize as hard as religion.

    Exactly. Pure naturalism would seem to be a defeater for trust in human cognition--including perception and reason. In a meaningless universe, then, it would seem that evolution probably "cares" nothing about "truth," but about survival. But the point was a bit too lengthy to put up in a list of juicy bites.


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