Gray hairs and the Stress of Coming Out of the WTS

by Scott77 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    Leaving the cancer is stressful--along the lines of quitting smoking. As with quitting smoking, you are going to feel pain. With the religion, it is guilt, houndings, being cut off from family, and finding time on your hands with nothing to fill it with. Your routine is disrupted. For many, the religion is entwined with their living arrangements (their landlord is a witless) and/or job (their boss or customers are witlesses). They might lose one or both of these as well.

    But, like quitting smoking, the end result is better. After the distress winds down, you can start in peace. There is no longer a drain on your money and time, and you can watch whatever you want and listen to whatever you want without the hounders stopping in. You lose the guilt of not being in field circus--the end of the month goes by without you doing any field circus, and you don't give a fxxx. You also gain back the ability to think for yourself, and the results are often better than what you had been getting when the witlesses were doing your thinking.

  • Scott77
    You lose the guilt of not being in field circus--the end of the month goes by without you doing any field circus, also gain back the ability to think for yourself, and the results are often better than what you had been getting when the witlesses were doing your thinking.

    Very excellent observations. I liked that point

  • cantleave

    Whilst I tried fading I found the whole thing very stressful. Since I just stopped going to meetings the stress has just gone.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Eventually you forget what "field service" even means. It's just some term that you used to be familiar with in a previous life. My gray hairs are just genetic, maybe a few from raising teenagers.

  • Lozhasleft

    I was definitely very ill after the shock of my Dfd...physically as well as emotionally...(and I would have grey hairs were it not for today's beauty technology)...It culminated with a small cancer and then radiotherapy...once that was over I seem to come out at the end of it with such a fresh rejuvenated view of life. A resolve to make my personal happiness more important than ever I'd done before.

    What came with it was a humour which I didnt know I possessed...suddenly there were all these one liners on my many things to giggle and laugh about. It was quite wonderful.
    I worried it would stop but no, its continued. People say to me quite frequently now 'Ah you're so funny!' to my utter amazement????? For years I was accused of being far too serious....

    So...every cloud ...?

    Loz x

  • Scott77

    Whilst I tried fading I found the whole thing very stressful. Since I just stopped going to meetings the stress has just gone.


    Hi cantleave ,

    Based on your experiences as stated above, what is your conclusion as the cause of the stress?

  • exjw2814

    My own mother and father aged with grey hairs just because I left..........none for me, though

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