Is this secret code for 'have an affair with me' ?

by tec 48 Replies latest social relationships

  • mkr32208

    Maybe... Next time you see him you should flash him just too check...

  • WuzLovesDubs

    This guy is soooo hitting on you. Stop being nice. I know that sounds rather rude...but some people totallly misinterpret nice for "interested". I know of what I speak. If he passed you that card like that, like he was a double agent and giving you the microchip...then obviously he wants you to play the do something forbidden with him.

    Tell him thanks for the card and that you gave it to your aunt who needs some work on her house and if he ignores the 27 cats he could probably make some good money there. And to have a good day. After that you give him a huge exaggerated wink and walk away.

    PS I agree he is creepy. Steer totally clear after that.

  • Gerard

    No mystery. The guy wants you. :se):wh)

  • transhuman68

    Maybe he is a deaf-mute, and he is looking for work?

  • BackRoomBilly

    Does he do this?


  • cyberjesus

    why dont you call him and ask him how much do does he charge you for "patching the holes in your bedroom" :-) that way you know for sure

  • baltar447

    My advice? Have your hubby kick him in the nuts :D

    But that's just my take on it from being the Husband of a nice wifey and some jerk asshole "brother" pulling this shit. Too bad I was too naive and then too "upright" to beat the every loving shit balls out of the lowlife scumbag mutha focker. I can tell you now I would BOT tolerate that shit again.

    Sorry, /end thread hijack

  • Gerard

    Maybe the guy is really soPhisticated...

    He is not "creepy" but an old soul

    Don't be uncomfortable if he likes to wink at you

    I am sure his smiles are sincere

    He is just watching for the best angle collect a few souvenirs to cover hs bedroom walls with

    Come on! I am sure he is as sweet as a puppy

    and he will probably love your guardrobe

    Give him a chance and have an intelligent conversation with him

    You will have his undivided attention

    ....and if you come with him to his Moma's basement, he may even show you his caliber.

  • tec

    Gerard, I'm not sure I could resist any of those guys - especially not the gun/guitar hero toting man in his mama's basement.

    Seriously, though, thanks to everyone for the advice. You guys are great... and FUNNY!

    I'll see you all tomorrow after school.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Firstly, you say every time you look at him, he winks at you.

    Solution: Don’t look at him!!

    And you assume he hasn’t seen your wedding ring. Sorry, but a wedding ring means nothing these days. He probably assumes you’re looking for a little fun on the side (after all, why are you always looking at him?).

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