Why believe in the SUPERNATURAL?

by Terry 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    It would have to be: a form of existence beyond existence—a kind of entity beyond anything man knows about entitiesa something which
    contradicts everything man knows about the identity of that which is. In short, a contradiction of every metaphysical essential.

    I see. So if Terry doesn't "know about the identity of that which is" it just should be ignored.

    So then, WHY DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE SUPERNATURAL? The Supernatural can only be accessed by "faith".
    The alleged short-cut to knowledge, which is faith, is only a short-circuit destroying the mind.

    Sounds just like you're talking about string theory to me.

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    I was a child.

  • donny

    While many will not admit to it, I believe the vast majority believe in the supernatural because of the hope that there is everlasting life or some other eternal bliss waiting for you beyong the this mortal life. They are worried about offending any deity that holds out these hopes in fear that they may not be counted among those who go to this eternity.

    I sincerely believe that if there was no chance of living beyond the physical, virtually everyone would care less where or not there was anything supernatural.


  • Terry
    Sounds just like you're talking about string theory to me.

    Theoretical Physics is brainstorming. If you care to enlighten me with an explanation of String Theory I'll sit quietly and listen!

    I see. So if Terry doesn't "know about the identity of that which is" it just should be ignored.

    Gee, did I say that?

  • Terry

    I sincerely believe that if there was no chance of living beyond the physical, virtually everyone would care less where or not there was anything supernatural.

    An intelligent observation if I've ever heard one!

  • gubberningbody

    Actually the term means what people decide it to mean.

    For religious people, it's magick.

    For quantum physicists it's String Theory, M-theory, Multiverses and other mathematical constructs whose conclusive proof is by definition beyond the nature that can be accessed by those bound by the three dimensions of space and the other of time.

  • Terry

    What exists is real.

    What we make up doesn't.

    We can develop ideas which lead to a synthesis of hand's on engineering and forge a thing which did not previously exist (except as a constituency).

    Does that count?

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    So Terry,

    Are you saying my experiences were not real?

  • Terry

    So Terry,

    Are you saying my experiences were not real?

    Subjectively, your interpretations of your experiences were as real as real can be (subjectively).

    I can identify with what you are saying because I went through similar experiences.

    I'll give just one example.

    When I was a teenage JW, late at night as I was about to fall asleep; my bedsheet would start to crawl slowly off of me!!

    This scared the living shit out of me.

    It went on for a long time. (With other incidents as well.)

    In my late 20's, after I was married, my wife said to me: "Did you know you have RLS?"

    I replied intelligently, "Wuh?"

    My wife clarified, "You have restless limb syndrome. Your foot wags like a dog's tail!"

    "Oh, sure. I've done that all my life. I just thought it was a nervous habit."

    "Ok, but you do it in bed as you are falling asleep and it tends to cause the sheet to pull off of me and I don't appreciate it."


    My stupid foot wagging was inching the sheet downward---and not DEMONS!

    Bottom line?

    If we have an interpretive mechanism in place that INCLUDES demons, spirits, what-have-you.....we will employ those particular interpretations and

    superimpose them as EXPLANATIONS for natural events we are unaware of otherwise.

    Primitive man considered lightning to be thuderbolts hurled from heaven.

    Meteorology has eliminated that as a feasible explanation.

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    No Terry,

    This is a group of people over months. Do you want to be pushed over by a headless thing in the dark as you turn out the light?

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