Jesus and the Demons

by Weeping 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Weeping


    My question to Christians who doubt the devil’s existence: Why would Jesus bother casting out demons if they don’t exist?

    Why would Paul say in Romans 8:37-39 "…in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

    According to the Bible, principalities and powers (demons) are under the power of Satan.

  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass

    I'm a Christian and I don't believe in a single being who rule over demons such as "satan". Demons are unclean spirits that came out of the nephilim when they died in the flood. Satan is not a name, it means accuser and anybody can be called satan such as Peter. There is no one being called satan, the term can apply to anyone based on there actions. As for the angels who came to earth that fooled Eve and had realtions with women, they are not roaming the earth but are being held in Tartarus until there destruction.

    2 Peter 2: 4 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to tartarus, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment;

  • Weeping

    Now that any misconception concerning what Jesus Christ believed about the forces of evil is cleared up, I'll get back to my point. Paul reminded Timothy: "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons"

    Demons can teach humans things? Wow. According to Paul demons are deceitful. Hmmm....I wonder if they teach lies to people?

    Of course they do!

    These cunning spirits enlist men and women to pass on their lies and deceit! (The dumbest demon is a whole lot smarter than the most brilliant human. Even smarter than Barack and Hillary put together.)

    According to the Bible a spiritual battle is raging. Humans are unaware of what's taking place. We're unable to see it because it's in the invisible realm.

    Who is behind taking God out of the public square? You guessed it.

    Who is behind making Christianity irrelevant? None other.

    To accomplish these goals satanic forces must control the minds of individuals in high places if they are to carryout their plans. One short example. Christians who refused to worship the Emperor Nero as God were dressed in tar jackets and put on stakes and then burned at night to light the streets. This is nothing short of diabolical.

  • transhuman68

    You think about demons waaay too much! It's not healthy. Your thoughts and your decisions are your choice.

  • cantleave

    Weeping post something positive - it's good for your health

  • sabastious

    This is about as interesting as a Lord of the Rings lore debate.

    *turns and runs for the hills*



    Where I live it is a sunny spring Saturday morning. No sign of any demons in the air.

    Weeping, you should join me on planet earth - Your planet sounds rather depressing.

  • Heaven

    According to the Bible a spiritual battle is raging.

    Ok, so here's where everything goes awry. If you're gonna use the Bible, you're gonna be messed up. Take the Bible out of the equation and find some external, independent documentation and evidence to back up any claim in the Bible. Not sure you're gonna find it. You can spin your wheels and waste your time all you want but seriously, I'd suggest you use your time to plan and plant a garden. It will be a much more productive and positive experience than any of this demonistic stuff you're focused on. Life is short -- enjoy it -- do something positive and creative with your time. What You Focus On Expands and Comes Into Your Life. Start focusing on that which will support and promote joy of your spirit.

  • peaches

    are you an active witness??? are you on antidepressants?? i am not trying to be funny...just wondering...i don't know how you can be "active" with that "stuff"....and be of sane mind?? to get up everyday,,,hope and pray for the "new" system...then think about every man,,woman,,,child,,baby,,,pregant woman being killed ,,,,and not be depressed???

    that does not include all the DEMON HORROR STORIES,,,,,that goes along with all the primitive people being destroyed,,because they worship false gods and will never have a chance or the mental knowledge to accept the "real" religion...then of course you got all the mentally disabled,,,who no matter how hard you try cannot figure out up from down.....they must be destroyed because they might be demonized,,,or reguardless,,,they are not acting on what the "real" religion teaches....

    oh,,well,,,,i hope you get to welcome back their dead parents in the resurrection,,,,and you'll get to say...SORRY,,,THEY WERE TOO STUPID TO MAKE IT INTO OUR NEW SYSTEM!!!

    so,,,take your demon's...and think about ,,,and i mean really think about the things you are is because of people like you that i could never go back to a kingdom hall.....SHUDDER.....

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    When you use the Bible to get your belief system across you are using circular reasoning. I believe it because the Bible tells me so is no proof of what you believe.

    First study the history of where and how the Bible came to be and try to find the original copies if you can, you will be the first.


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