Top 10 Ways to Offend a Jehovah's Witness

by JimmyPage 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    Give them a birthday card.

  • sooner7nc

    Think for yourself.

    Say what you think without fear.

    Blow cigar smoke in their face and tell them to kiss your ass.

    If they aren't offended by now they're probably in a coma and in need of some medical attention.

  • GLTirebiter

    Ask them to spend next Saturday helping out with Habitat for Humanity

    Promote the blood drive at work, school, or the local community center.

    Offer the publishers at your door some Christmas cookies or hot-cross buns (when in season).

  • transhuman68

    Try to get them to think. They hate that.

  • JimmyPage

    This is like shooting fish in a barrel. When you think about how the average person would not be offended by these everyday things it becomes obvious how insane this cult really is. Sad.

  • Scott77

    1) Go to the Kingdom Hall and leave a copy of CoC in the library for research work

    2) Go to college to get a master degree and later a PhD degree.

    3) Go to the Kingdom Hall without a tie

    4) Visit Bethel wearing a summer short and sneaker shoes.

    5) When JWs visit your apt/house, put a copy of CoC on the table

    6) During assembly cleaning work, put on a Red Cross t-shirt


  • freeflyingfaerie

    Hilarious!! I needed that !

  • Confuzzled

    Only refer to their cong as "The Cult", and meetings and Bible Studies as "Brain Washing, Indocrination Sessions", and ask if they have been offered any Kool-Aid, and call their Bible Study teacher as "Joseph Goebbels".

    Yeah. It never seems to go over well.

  • finallysomepride

    Park your vehicle in the KH carpark bearing a Red Cross "Give Blood" sticker on the rear window.

    I did that, it was a borrowed vehicle, and as I had no right to remove it I just continued to park at KH with sticker on for over 3 weeks, no one complained to me but heard there was alot of gossip.

  • whatistruth

    Have a party and serve alot of alchohol where all get drunk...oh wait they do that already

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