Are you single and looking? Or Do you consider yourself to be available?

by Scott77 123 Replies latest social relationships

  • A.Fenderson

    Romance has largely been disproved, however. Consult any divorce statistic. Sex is alive with all its

    ramifications.....How can two adults NOT end up hating each other in the long run? That I'd like to know.

    Terry: perhaps if our expectations more closely matched what is undoubtedly the statistical social norm, namely serial monogomy, we'd all be quite a bit happier. The "one true love" and "till death do us part" ideas don't align with empirical reality for most people, so why are they still almost universally held onto as both the ideal and the perceived norm? No doubt bullshit morality, specifically "sexual ethics," plays no small role in this.

  • cyberjesus

    Terry "single and looking" doesnt impy looking for a relationship. I think that you can always be single and looking, if you are looking you will find. I dont know what you are gonna find but you are gonna find something.

    Heck you could even be not single and still looking. Always on the look. Let those genes do their thing dont fight them. Intellect is good for a good conversation but the hunt is good for a good time. :-)

  • asilentone

    White Dove, well I have seen your pic one time here on JWN. If you want someone to notice you, then you would have to do something about it. If not, that is your business.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    What was wrong with the picture I put up here in the private section?

  • VoidEater

    I have had great loves and great times. I've been happily pair-bonded for going on 23 years (we've known each other for 40 years).

    Single is fine for those that desire it.

    Whether glandular, societal pressure or wish fulfillment, the reality of going through life together with another person at your side has been extraordinarily satisfying for me.

  • Twitch

    Single, not looking


  • Scott77
    "Too many mind games. Too much self-centeredness. Too many weirdos I have encountered in it".

    Hi Girlie ,

    I think, you have eloborated in this latest posting. However, let me make a point. Reading the above, I get the idea that for some, having excited the JW mind control cult, they find themselves measuring their prospective non JW mates almost to the same 'high standard' used in the dubland. As a result, they get somehow stumbled, and then give up the entire process. The question is; are we willing to lower down our 'high standard' in order to 'win' the non-JW mates? To some, I think this is a tricky question that calls for balance as we navigate the free non JW world. That is IMHO.

  • Scott77

    Lease, After reading what you wrote, I was LOL. I could not believe it. You have a wonderful gift of creative writting. Please, look to the way of pinning down a novel about your experiences as a dub. Please, never underestimate the amount of public interest it can generate :)

  • asilentone

    White Dove, there is nothing wrong with your picture, maybe you need to be more photogenic. Have you ever tried Glamour Shots? They are expensive, but they are worth it. With some digging on your part on the internet, you can find some consultants in your area that can do a makeover for you. Good Luck!

  • Robdar

    Not single and looking. J/K

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