Does a satanic cult control the world?

by Weeping 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    Does a satanic cult control the world?

    Yes, it is called humanity. You are the last person not under its control.

  • Lieu

    Does a satanic cult control the world?

    Yep, but it isn't the Illuminati, its the Smurfs.

    There is a group of the most greedy, but they aren't all that smart; just plain ruthless and haughty.

  • jaguarbass

    I'm familiar with the Illuminati, the buildeburgers, and bohemian grove.

    I try not to think about it. There is nothing I can do about it.

    This life is a forum of many different truths.

    A lot of people here after leaving the tower become atheist, which are naturalist, materialist.

    They dont believe in anything they cant see or touch. Or that science cant put under a microscope.

    A person can find libraries of information and data for whatever they choose to believe.

    Conspiracies, evolution, creation, God, the Devil, aliens.

    Alex Jones prison planet is a good source for conspiracy info.

    And for some far out conspiracy theories check out David Icke. He's like Alex Jones on steroids.

  • carla

    " The Jewish Pharisees rejected Christ."-- The jw's reject Christ, maybe you should spend some time researching them and the evil they have done and do now.

  • Quillsky

    Weeping, do you have anything to say about this?

    Most times you don't even come back and respond
  • blondie

    I don't believe there is a Satanic cult but the WTS teaches that Satan is the "god of this system of things" and "the ruler of the world" and all non-jws are under his control and either directly or indirectly worship him, that all religious worship except the WTS is worship of Satan.

    *** w59 5/15 p. 317 Worship of the Devil ***Sacred Scriptures admit the fact that Satan by deception has become the god of this present evil system of things. (2 Cor. 4:4) While striving for such a distinction Satan has had the insatiable desire to be worshiped directly as a world god. (Ezek. 28:2) However, he has never succeeded in inducing most of mankind to religiously serve him other than indirectly by means of deceptive devices such as idols or the trinity concept.

    *** w90 12/1 p. 6 Which God Should You Worship? ***Satan has enormous influence. The apostle John said that "the whole world" is lying in his power, and Paul called him "the god of this system of things." (1 John 5:19; 2 Corinthians 4:4) Hence, worship of any god apart from Jehovah is really worship of Satan.

    *** w66 11/1 pp. 665-666 What Price Government? ***The fifth plague would therefore be the public exposure of the fact that the "throne of the wild beast" was rulership from the Dragon, Satan the Devil, and was gained at his price; and that, consequently, the kingdom over which the beastly political system of this world ruled from such a throne was a kingdom of darkness. Satan the Dragon was, as Jesus termed him, the "ruler of this world." (John 16:11) Satan the Dragon was the "god of this system of things," which system worshiped him. (2 Cor. 4:4) The approach to the worship of Satan by these governments has been through the false religion of Babylon the Great. Great Babylon’s priests and clergymen have given demonic instruction and guidance just as they did to the kings of ancient Babylon. They have always been against the kingdom of the Seed, which directs worship to God, and against those who seek and support this kingdom.

  • carla

    What a small god the wt must have that he cannot take some control back from satan. In the jw's world satan seems to have more power than God Himself.

  • designs


    That was always the big contradiction in our old JW theology- you have God on one hand and Satan that rules the world ????

    What did they put in that KoolAid anyway

  • mindmelda

    No,no, it's aliens from another dimension who gave the Mayans advanced skills like irrigation and written language and then died, leaving their crystal skulls behind so that a brave archaeologist with a cool hat and a whip, with his son, would discover them. They left taking all evidence of their presence with them when the golden room was found and inadvertantly activated by a commie who was obsessed with the supernatural.

    I know its true...I saw the documentary called "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull".

    Satan has been a convenient label for human fears for quite some time. Thanks for that, Judeo Christian myth. Without that, we might actually have to blame ourselves for all the evil in the world.

  • poopsiecakes

    mindmelda, you rock!!

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