Handling the negative emotions after leaving - suggestions please

by cult classic 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    CULT CLASSIC- I feel for you. Many of us, including myself have gone through similar feelings and emotions after exiting the witnesses. What helped me not be so hard on myself was educating myself and reading great books about cult mind control. I highly recommend reading Steve Hassan's " Combatting Cult Mind Control " & his second book - " Releasing the Bonds - Empowering People to Think for Themselves. " These books helped me immensely to understand what happened to me inside the JW cult and how the WT society was able to suck me into mind control. I think it will help you.

    But also - Please keep seeing your therapist as it is extremely important to see a professional psychiatrist when dealing with depression. I wish you all the best- Hang in there my friend, I promise it gets better with time

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I loved releasing the bonds my Steve Hassan's... I get the anger feeling and some times real bad!!! but every time I go through a spell I try to look at it as one step closer to healing!!! The wave of feelings are so intense!!!

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I definitely need to find avenues to express myself. I've suppressed my thoughts and feelings so long. To allow myself to really examine what it has meant to be a witness all my life is a bit much to digest at times. I'm realizing that my training with the jw's is reaching into my life after being active with the group. I mean I find myself ignoring or denying that it was harmful........know what I mean?

    I am working on finding outlets for expressing my feelings (starting with this board). You know when we first left, it was so liberating and freeing. I thought that was it. I'm confused as to why I seem to just now be crashing from it all. Maybe it's because as life events unfold I'm reminded of what was lost. And we have family still in so that's a constant reminder too. I'm not sure. Did any of you have a delayed reaction of sorts?

    Again I want to say I'm taking all of your words to heart and I really appreciate your taking the time to respond.

    Cult Classic

  • Quandry

    Did any of you have a delayed reaction of sorts?

    Yes-from time to time different feelings and frustrations hit.

    I didn't see my parents as much more than necessary visits to do a bit for them-discharge my obligation-and quickly get on to "more important things"(meetings, service, my REAL friends at the KHall,etc.) Now my parents are both dead. How I wish I could just go see them, without the WTS blinders on. Really listen to them. Do something together. But it is too late now. I try very hard to get my mind on something else when these thoughts start creeping up.

    We took few family vacations. The biggest ones we took were to go to WTS headquarters in New York. Dressing up to go through their buildings.

    Didn't have any money because we took menial jobs so as not to miss meetings. Bought second-hand clothes, few times out to eat, etc.

    I second my admonition-never give up! Don't let them take another minute of your life! Sit down, write a list of goals, and things you always wanted to see, do, try.

    My husband and I are planning vacations right now. He has decided to try cooking. I have been going out with the ladies from work from time to time. I'd like to go bowling soon. I want to take a trip in a hot-air balloon.

    Let us know what you plan.

  • shopaholic

    The journey is different for everyone but I can definitely relate to what you're going through. One thing that really helped me was attending an ex-jw meetup and meeting others who shared a similar experience. In my case, it helped to know that the people on this board was real and their stories were real and that I wasn't crazy.

    And I'll tell you, after talking with Flipper I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off me.

    Also, getting involved in volunteer or community activities really helps. You will find that non-JWs are not walking demons whose job is to corrupt you. You will meet some amazing people. Start conversations with strangers. Its interesting talking to people without the motive of at least placing a tract. I went through a phase where people seem to be aliens but then realized it was because I never really connected with people, my whole goal in the past was to convert them or plant a seed so that someone else could convert them.

    But it all takes time, I took more sick days from work after finding out about the lie than I did in my entire work life. It completely threw me for loop like you would not believe...but then again, you probably would. Don't be down on yourself for believing the lie for so long, focus on how you will live now that you know the truth.

    My recommendation, take life by the horns and get busy living. It will difficult at first because the JW sensors will go off and by default you will want to push non-JWs away. Then you have to hit the reset button and start again. It gets easier...


  • peaches

    it is so hard....i do not have any great words of wisdom...other than the fact,,,that with enough time,,,,it does get easier...depending on your personality,,,etc etc,,,,you might always have a bit of "society" in you and have to deal with...but hopefully most of it will fade....big hugs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Since leaving a few years ago, I have experienced the gamut of emotions, both good and bad. One that seems particularly difficult to manage is the shame and embarrassment I feel for having taking it seriously all my life. Why wasn't I thinking? How come I didn't wake up sooner? How do you handle the burden of regret as well?

    Mind you this is not something I struggle with everyday but it is there under the surface. And when it boils to the top I find it hard to shake the feelings.

    Can anyone relate? If so, how do you handle the downside of having come to your senses?

    Coming back to this.

    I was very embarrassed in the beginning. It took a long time for me to tell people that I had been a JW. We believed it because it was drummed into us day in day out over not just days or weeks but months years and decades. The WTS uses a very effective tool to convert people. It starts with basic ideas and tells you that harder things will be discussed later. Bit by bit is sucks people in and before you know it they have you by the short hairs. Those born in didn't have much of a chance to wake up. Many seem to be able to get their brains in gear about the time their hormones check in.

    You weren't thinking because you were taught not to think. That is what mind control does. It teaches people not to think for themselves. And then the WTS lays another layer on top of that in stopping people from even thinking about the unmentionables because it was considered doubting God himself. Most JWs just learned to push any questions or doubts into the back of their mind the way they were taught to do.

    Regret. That's a biggie. "All those years I could have. . . " We can get so caught up in it. Truth is that we were still learning. And what we learned we can apply to our lives now - well the good things that is. I learned what being controlled was like. And now I try not to control others. I learned that "The Truth" was a lie and now try to be scrupulously honest. I learned public speaking skills (although not good ones) and use that when I can. I learned not to question things so now I question everything until I am satisfied with the answer (as much as is humanly possible).

    I wrote a poem a few years ago that has been the basis for how I live today. My father was an extrmely abusive man and this is what I learned from him

    I AM

    I am my father's daughter
    And I am my own creation.

    Through the pain he inflicted
    I found strength to endure.

    Through the anger and fear
    I found courage to confront.

    Through indifference and neglect
    I found inner strength and self-reliance.

    Through his constant criticism
    I found the desire to learn and rise above.

    Through threats of death and hate
    I found the ability to survive and thrive.

    I am my father's daughter
    And I am my own creation

    I think we can all finds ways to learn from the negative experiences and find positive replacements. The negative thoughts and feelings don't have to remain inside of us unchallenged.

    Create your own mission statement and slowly replace the old with the new. If we think "How could I have believed it for so long?" try replacing it with "At least I woke up and am not still there!"

  • Heaven

    Why wasn't I thinking? How come I didn't wake up sooner? How do you handle the burden of regret as well?

    Cult Classic... I think one of the biggest things people have to do is... forgive themselves. This is big. It is something a lot of us are not good at doing but well worth working on. A huge burden is lifted when we forgive others... as well as ourselves.

  • rebel8

    Sure, I went through major negative emotions and so did many others I know.

    But embarassment....? I just don't ever tell anyone I was a dub and that takes care of that. You have to admit, a person sounds like a nutjob if they tell you they were in a mind control cult. People don't understand and will judge you for it--a few won't, but not worth taking the chance IMO.

    Anyway, I put my best foot forward instead of letting all skeletons out of the closet--that's what most people do about skeletons, not just ex-borg.

  • moshe

    I missed the entire 70's disco era- what was I thinking, being a boring JW- (1975 came and went)? I could have dated sexy girls, driven fast cars, worn fancy leisure suits, platform shoes, went to lingerie disco dances, and doing the hustle- it's all gone and I can't bring it back, it's just like I left my birthday cake out in the rain, and it will never be the same.

    Seriously, I do have regrets from time to time, but, if my life had been different, I wouldn't have my wonderful wife and daughter now. So hang in there and you WILL, make some good memories and they will overshadow the lost JW years.

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