How Many Here Actually "Handled The Microphones"?

by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • zoiks

    Yes, handled the mics for years and years. Eventually I was "sound servant" and made the schedule. That was nice, because I completely wrote myself out of the schedule. Hey, I had a lot of meeting parts and a family, so no time for mics!

  • blondie

    I "handled" the microphones once. The brothers assigned to the stage must have been "preoccupied" in the back and I had a demo on stage and the brother with the part was in the back too and missed the fact that the demo was done. We sisters stood there for 3 minutes until I just put the mike back in the stand and we sat down....without a headcovering.

    In one congregation there was only 1 MS and no other "qualified" brothers except elders who felt they were above that sort of thing. They actually suggested to the CO that they use sisters. The CO said that the elders were to do it, above it or not. Heavens can't have other congregations know that they could not "grow" enough brothers. By the way, where does mike duty fall under "teaching in the congregation."

    At least they didn't suggest using unbaptized males in the congregation.

  • Robdar

    Brothers. Microphones. I am strangely turned on by this topic.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I think women weren't allowed to handle the microphones because it would make their husbands insecure.

    I was a mike handler. I always hated having to hold it for the long-winded people that would go on and on with their comments. Wrapping the cord up at the end of the meeting was a bitch, too. It was always tangled up, and it would be a race against the clock to wind it up before the end of the song.

  • lepermessiah

    Yes....for many years.....and HATED it.

  • nelly136

    jw version of a penis extension rob?

  • jookbeard

    I had that honour, an old joke I know but when the schedule for the Mike Roving came up on the notice board my mother in law asked who this new brother was

  • 70-Years-Of-Servatude

    Yes. Actually received some after the meeting instruction from an over zealous elder on how I could do a better job during the watchtower study. One way was not to sit down between paragraphs. I tied to explain that I had a hangover and it felt good to sit down, but that didn't change his hardline view.

  • Robert7

    I wasn't allowed, but a 9 year old was. Somehow a 9 year old was more spiritual than I was... That really ticked me off until I realized that fewer 'privilidges' meant easier fade!

    The brothers never realized that. They take away 'privilidges' as a punishment, but actually it had the opposite effect. They took away my reading and praying at book study, plus mics (never took it away because I never had it), but losing that made missing meetings much easier. If they wanted me to stay, they should have given me MORE, to incent me to come. Messed up.

  • undercover
    Brothers. Microphones. I am strangely turned on by this topic.

    As well you should be...

    I was mike handler extraordinaire... long extension pole and all

    As already pointed out by our resident sexually repressed still-in dub friend, cleavage spottage was the best thing about mike duty. That and it got you out of sitting through a boring WT study.

    We were supposed to keep our mags handy to keep up with the study even while running mikes. We were supposed to follow along with the reading and if not running mikes on our side, we were to follow along in our mag. I, being the rebellious..and lazy...dub that I was, refused to do so. I claimed that it distracted me from being quick on my feet but truth was, I liked running mikes to get away from the magazine, not to have to multi-task duing the study.

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