How Many Here Actually "Handled The Microphones"?

by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • donny

    I did and I finally graduated to running the sound board!!! Woo Hoo!!!!

  • shamus100

    I'm with Donny. Needed a microphone? I was your bitch!

    And let me tell you - nobody put in watchtower CD's like this Mother (beeep!)

    Kiss me!

  • flipper

    " Handled the microphones ? " Minimus that's sounding a tad bit lurid don't ya think ? LOL ! O.K. I confess. I jacked off with the microphones a time or two in the restroom while they read the paragraphs during the WT study ! LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • shamus100

    Mr. Flipper,

    Wwaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too much information. No monkey kisses for you tonight.

  • flipper

    SHAMUS- O.K. Monkey , no kisses. But I want to use my microphone on you ! LOL ! LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • finallysomepride
  • JeffT

    Yes, I handled mics. Moving around does keep one from falling asleep. It didn't seem like a big deal at the time, either my memory is fuzzy or they're making a big deal out of it now.

  • dissed

    Yes, and the WT conductor said I was the best mic handler he'd ever seen........

  • fokyc

    NO, never qualified for that; my wife won't touch them when answering up either

    she says they are crawling with germs where other people have touched or coughed on them

  • InquiryMan

    I did ONCE... We had sort of a long pole (2-3 metres , at least it felt that long) with a microphone in the end.

    I am not a very strong person physically speaking, so I managed to shake a lot while doing this, the pole making sound and one time during the meeting I managed to hit a sisters head with the microphone.

    I was relieved of that assignment. And I handled the magazines and loved doing that. Got to talk with all the brothers and sisters.

    And got the magazines in advance before the others...

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