Got to Mess with some Witlesses on my Vacation

by Cthulhu 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cthulhu

    So this last week I went to visit a very dear friend of mine about 21 hours away. She is one of the two people I have had a major hand in helping to see the bullshit of the Watchtower religion. In any case, as we were driving through a neighborhood, guess what we saw. Yep. Two brothers going door to door. I looked over at her and said "do you want to mess with them?" "Did you have to ask?" So I pulled over and waited for them to finish leaving some of their propaganda in the screen door of a not at home, we got out of the car, and I shouted at them from across the street "Hey, are you Jehovah's Witnesses?" When they responded in the affirmative I waved them over, telling them that I had a question for them. They were beaming like gee-ho-bah himself had pushed them in my direction. A new study for SURE! I told them that I'd come across a red book of theirs that discusses Revelation in some considerable depth. I mentioned that I was a history buff and that, though I disagree with how they came to the 1914 date due to the fact that they are the only ones that say 607 as opposed to 586/7, I understand how they come to that date. BUT, I let them know I didn't quite understand the importance of 1919. The lead brother told me that it had to do with a greater fulfilment of the Jewish release from Babylon, and that in 1919 the brothers abandoned what false religious customs and beliefs that they still had. I raised an eyebrow and asked when it was that Jehovah's Witnesses stopped celebrating Christmas, knowing full well that it was after 1919. "Well, don't you think we should consider one question at a time?" he asked. Yeah, sure, whatever. He went on to explain that "Witnesses look to the Bible for their guidance, and Proverbs 18:4 says that things will become clearer as the end of this system of things draws near." "Oh really? Didn't you mean to say Proverbs 4:8?" The dumb fucking bastard had to admit in front of his precious little service buddy that, yes, I the one inquiring knew more about their scriptures than they did. He looked sooooo ashamed. I carried it on a little longer. My dear friend was, at several points, almost unable to contain her laughter at the futility of their attempts to "reason with me." Finally, it grew a bit cold and, mainly for the sake of my friend, I suggested we part ways with one another so she could get in the car and out of the wind. As they walked back to their car I rolled down the window and made it clear that they need not count their time spent talking to us.

    Nothing like ruining an otherwise "good day out in service" for a couple of those friggin idiots.

  • Michelle365

    Nicely done. Maybe just maybe you planted a seed? I could see them going home to research the subject for the next time it comes up out in service. Hopefully, they will study themselves right out!

  • WTWizard

    Nice one. The witlesses think they abandoned all "false religious" teachings in 1919, when they supposedly were approved by Jesus. However, they celebrated Christmas until 1927, and used the cross until 1931. I also believe they did birthdays until the early 1950s.

  • moshe

    I am glad you took the time to talk to those JW's. They feel superior to everyone, because people don't bother to set them straight when they have the chance. if everyone did as you did, JW's would soon quit going D2D in order to avoid getting whupped. Good job.

  • mindmelda

    LOL, almost too shooting fish in a barrel, really.

  • snowbird
    He went on to explain that "Witnesses look to the Bible for their guidance, and Proverbs 18:4 says that things will become clearer as the end of this system of things draws near." "Oh really? Didn't you mean to say Proverbs 4:8?"

    I'll bet he had Ezekiel 18:4 in mind - "The soul that sins shall die ..."

    And, that's Proverbs 4:18.


  • sweet

    first of all...jws don't think they are superior to everyone....they do make mistakes...even at the kh they make mistakes no matter what meeting you go to but they all laugh it off and continue and admit their previous meeting a jw brother was reading ahead of schedule in the come be my follower book, before the end of first paragraph he corrected himself, joked about it and went to the correct page and paragraph....only people who want to be "children" about things would do such a thing as being a bully about things as the first original poster did...i'm sure you would have been one of those ones that ridiculed jesus too...tons of people thought jesus was crazy...people today even think he don't exist...or he was just a good man, not the son of god...thats great too...again the free will thing comes to place...people choose to be bullies...people choose to atheists...people choose to be kind towards one another...people choose to be christians...people choose to do stupid stuff that leads them to go to jail/ person on this earth is greater than their which in christian faith is if people listened to jesus if people "bullied" jesus....than people are going to listen to christians and take heart...people are going to "bully" on christians and stone them to death figuratively and literally...

  • teel

    Oh, sweet, you mean a christian admits its mistakes? Cool, let me see the Watchtower that admitted they themselves were wrong. It's either "statements were made, that were misunderstood" or "this magazine printed...". The first one is blaming the others, the second is using third person to dispersonate (is that a correct word?) themselves, like the magazine printed itself. Contrast this with many-many direct reference to the faithful and discreet slave that provides such nourishing food. Where is the admittance, that "WE, the FDS blundered"?

  • Kum Vulcan
    Kum Vulcan

    The ONLY way I'd consider the WT making any kind of admission would be if the GB issued a statement starting with: "We, the GB of JWs fu*ked up..." The only way I'd hear such a statement, however, shall positively be only in my dreams.... -KV

  • sweet

    to top it off with the wt/awake publications...i do believe there was some talk about in 70's or 80's that there were some "apostates" among the publication staff and there were some things printed that shouldn't have been there as well

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