The longest prayer you had ever endured.

by african GB Member 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JWoods

    It used to be almost a competition to see who could grind one of these out the longest at circuit and district levels - of course it never went up to Freddy Franz levels.

  • asilentone

    Brother Lyman Swingle at New Orleans, International Assembly, after 1975 and before 1980, I forgot what year. I was pre teen back then. I asked my Mom when will he finish his prayer? She said it will be over soon.

  • dissed

    True, for us that remember Dodger Stadium Conventions they must have been the longest. But I also can mention a couple that were VERY long and memeorable.

    Once at Bethel, someone went on so long for a meal prayer(a real Genesis to Revelation one) that the Chairman, took over the mic and said 'In JC's name, Amen'

    The second was my SR Bro in law. He wrote his prayers on index cards ahead of time and would practice them like a talk. Before he went up to the stage, he would review the cards from his seat one more time.

    His meal prayers were ridiculous. When he finished, you would forget what you were doing.

  • peaches

    oh god,,,,,they were all long at the assemblies........

  • SirNose586

    Well naturally these are long prayers--their righteousness must be known before men!

  • JWoods

    I believe that in the late 1960s, finally one of the DOs had to give some direct counsel to the servants not to do these hyper-prayers (at least in our circuit).

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    This question is directed to Ex-Elders, Aposto Elders, Doubting Elders: Is there a benchmark/guideline on the length of the prayer, and does the length reflect on the spirituality and maturity of the person giving the prayer?

  • Finally-Free

    Pretty much every prayer at the end of a district convention, because they're all a rehash of the entire program.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    New York, circa 1970, two foreign language conventions sharing music.

    We finished first. The dear brother, whom I don't recall being typically long-winded, had to continue his prayer till he heard the other group - who had control of the phonograph - begin the closing song. Fifteen or so minutes ...



  • dissed

    AGB -

    The only direction we ever received was a CO telling us that we were representing the JW's to JG and not the other way. In other words, don't use the prayer to give counsel.

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