The longest prayer you had ever endured.

by african GB Member 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    From personal experience i know it usually happens at the end of a District Convention. It would be either the DO, CO or an experienced Elder.

    They usually go through everything that was said throughout the DC and thank Jehovah for this and that.....

    Last year i used my stop watch to record the time taken by our DO,

    by the time he said Amen! my stop-watch was on 12min-23seconds.

  • tenyearsafter

    Without a doubt, it was at a District Convention at Dodger Stadium and given by Fred went for 20 or 30 minutes and covered every possible subject covered at the convention! Sheesh....

  • blondie

    Fred Franz 1963 Los Angeles, 20 minutes

  • WingCommander

    Yeah, I remember growing up and going to these long-assed DC's at The Vet in Philadelphia. Think June or July in Philadelphia - not pleasant. So you drive out there (2 hours one way) sit through an 8 hour convention in the sweltering heat, and then the final prayer comes up. You are tired, hot, sweaty, and in agony. If you were a kid like me, it was even worse. Then, Brother Long-Winded A**Kisser closes that days convention with a 15 minute re-cap of all of the talks of that day. Talk about torture!!! Your feet hurt, you're grumpy, and all you want to do is carry your Play-Mate cooler out the door and into the sweet, sweet air-conditioning of your car and get home to collapse, only to do it all over again the next day.

    BUT, before you can do that, Brother Long-Winded A**Kisser has to do his tedious 15-minute closing prayer. Uggggggh!!!! It's like, "Hello? We were here all f*cking day, we know what was said? Is anybody in there? Just nod if you can heeear me, is there anyone home?" Why does YHWH God need to have it all re-hashed, he knows what was said? Also, there was nothing ever humble about it. It was always bless the F&DS, thanks for the spiritual banquet, etc. Never please look after the Great Crowd, thanks for Jesus sacrifice, please look after the less fortunate, friends in need, the sick, etc, etc. No, just re-hash the days talks and thank the F&DS. Disgusting.

    Thanks for bringing back the memories. 1980's in JW-Land was no fun at all. Blondie, are you really that old? My how BLESSED you must have been to have been in the presence of the Oracle himself, Fred Franz!! It must have been like being in the Holiest of Holies or something, right? LOL!!

    - Wing Commander

  • 70-Years-Of-Servatude

    I can remember at one DC the guy giving the final prayer was flipping 3X5 note cards. I was sitting high up behind the stage because I was late of course. I nudged my wife so she could see him do it.


    Twickenham stadium London in the 60's I was 8 years old.

    The orator on the platform said he would offer prayer on our behalf. He began by reiterating all the main points from the hours of lecturing we had been blessed with. He then offered his thanks and praise to the great and mighty, all-powerful, loving and just, slow to anger, generous and wise, merciful and kind, omnipotent creator and God of the universe to whom we owed our salvation - Jehovah. Now he was stating all the things we were expected to do to bring praise to this great name.

    After a very long time I began to wonder if there had been a mistake and he had started another lecture. I peeped through my fingers which I had covered my face with and looked around. Every one I could see had their eyes closed except mother who was still trying to stop my brother whinging.

    Eventually we all uttered that most wonderful word together – Amen! 'Only seven more days to go,’ I thought as we filed out of the stadium.

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    I recorded the prayer in Johannesburg Stadium, South Africa, on the 13th of December 2009, the DO's name Bro. S Mrwebi.

    I hope I did'nt give too much specific info that could land me in trouble with my Elders as I am still active and soon to be MS.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I can remember at one DC the guy giving the final prayer was flipping 3X5 note cards. I was sitting high up behind the stage because I was late of course. I nudged my wife so she could see him do it.


    Think About It

  • spawn

    All of them as far I can remember.

  • Magwitch

    This is second hand, but I was told that at one DC Knorr was on stage for the closing prayer - The brother giving the prayer was so long winded that Knorr finally grabbed the mike and said AMEN.

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