Define "Ex jw"?

by highdose 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    If you can fill out a confidential document and not break into a sweat when answering the question "What religion are you?" and NOT say JW then you are an exJW

    I was DFed when I left. But the WT mindset was still in me. To the point where I actually wrote a university paper defending them and their policy on blood.

    It took 10 years to finally get the WTS out of me. Although I was DFed and had no intention of going back I would have squirmed when answering that question. I would not have said "JW" but I would have been pretty uncomfortable about it


    There are stages an ex-JW goes through.. The initial stage is "Questioning"..

    Questioning brings answers..Answers bring Transformation..

    In the end a JW is transformed into an an ex JW.. A Super Hero..

    "Captain Ex-Dub!!"..

    When "Captain Ex-Dub" leaves the Kingdom hall for the Last time..

    He/She,is Fired out of a Cannon..


    Fights WBT$ Injustice.. Where ever the WBT$ may rear it`s Ugly Head!!

    "Captain Ex-Dub"!!..

    Off to Fight another WBT$ Injustice!..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • guanaco
    Being and EXJW is a mindset.
    For me the most important things are
    Do you still believe it ?
    Do you Still give financial support?
    Are you still being controlled by it?
    Are you allowing your children to be indoctrinated by it?
    If the answer to all the above is "No" - then you are an EX-JW

    In that case I'm actually a exJW although I'm going to the meetings yet. Great!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Being an ex-JW is a mindset. I accept that. I think that each person can decide for themself if they are an ex-JW.

    To me, candidates for "Ex-JW" would be anyone raised in that religion regardless of whether they actually got baptized or not, anyone taught that religion as an adult who started to participate (although they probably would get over it quickly if they never were baptized), and certainly anyone who became a baptized JW.

    I don't think it matters what their current situation is. The important part about being "ex" would be to realize that it is not "the truth." Even there, perhaps some are not so sure about that but they are not living the lifestyle anymore. Many who realize it it not the "truth" might still be living the lie for personal reasons.

  • cantleave

    OTWO - I totally agree and that was the point I was making. You can answer no to all my questions yet still be showing face - and therefore still an ex-jw.

    Guanaco - congratulations.

  • mindmelda

    I disfellowshipped myself, if you want to use their word, because I don't believe the defining religious beliefs of Witnesses and haven't for some time.

    I'm not sure I ever believed a good deal of it, looking back.

    My parents got into it when I was 11, and I now realize that most of my outward conformity to it was simply wanting to please my parents, and wanting to belong to something.

    After all everything else I'd belonged to was suddenly taken away from me, like girl scouts, extended family to a large extent, holidays with them, 4 H and hanging out with school friends, so what else do you have?

    Isolate, brainwash and assimulate.

  • wobble

    Interesting thread Highdose, and I know you are an XJW coz they wouldn't have you back even if you wanted to! tee Hee, only joking, they love it if someone returns, it helps them put their doubts on the back burner.

    Some on this board have inferred that because we have faded rather than DA'd or something we are not really "X"

    As for me I know that I am "X" because it is so anathema to me that I cannot stomach the thought of entering a K.H or reading a washtowel magazine.

    I think a big "station " on my journey away from the Borg was when I was able to tell people who had no idea of my upbringing that I had been in the Cult for all those years (58). Putting it into words cements the fact that it is now a past life, and one, apart from having no desire to return to, you never could because of what you now know, the truth about Da Troof.


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