Would You Picket A Kingdom Hall?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    My picketing would look like this: I'd sit quietly across the street in a lawn chair holding a sign printed on both sides that both directions of traffic could see saying, "Got Questions? Jehovahs-Witness.com Has Answers." while drinking a nice tall, cold glass of iced tea.

    It may or not be effective at all, but it just may get someone to check into this site who never would, otherwise. I'd also smile, wave, and say hi to the JW's that look.

  • Gregor

    Undercover and others answered better than I could.

    " 1. Cults like JWs thrive off of the persecution complex. Harass or picket them and it reaffirms to them that they are being persecuted for righteousness' sake. In most cases, it only drives them deeper in, seeking protection within the safe confines of the group..."

    I would, however, suggest that those who are DA'ing send a copy of their letters to cong members. Or put a copy on their windshields in the parking lot of the KH if it is not illegal. This has a real impact.

  • Gayle

    Hey, White Dove,,that sound like fun,,bring your lawn lounge chair, with a group of fun ex-JWs (with balloons around),,have a small bar-b-que going, if right across the street of a KH or assembly hall,,and put up a sign, 'Free Lemonade here" and add "the Koolaid is across the Street".

  • OnTheWayOut

    Picketing as in walking a line that they have to cross to get to the KH? NO.

    I think action like that would reinforce their persecution complex.

    But I have seen Rick Fearon's videos of some past Memorial rallies. I forget what he calls them, but they are peaceful and across the street. They have signs that reveal the web addresses that clearly would reveal the truth about "the truth" to visitors. Such information spreading has got to be of some good to newbies to the Kingdom Hall and young ones and even some curious dubs who finally cave in to the desire to know.

    As a fader, I can say that I have no desire to go do such stuff. But if I were DF'ed or otherwise shunned by loved ones, I don't know that I wouldn't feel some urge to expose the religion.

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