Would You Picket A Kingdom Hall?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I know some zealots that have carried signs and peacefully picketed Kingdom Halls, especially on the Memorial.

    What do you think about that?

  • serenitynow!

    Well since I am not DF'd, and have family to lose by going public- no. I can understand why some do. Even if they don't get a JW to think, at least they would be providing a community service to the people driving past.

  • fokyc

    NO ; I will never go into or near to a KH ever again. I have a great deal of feeling for many of the members of the local KH; BUT the elders are evil liars.

    Picketing a KH would give them the opportunity to put me where they think I should go.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I find it counter-productive, myself. It only re-enforces the negative stereotypes JWs have of apostates. The best time to reason with a JW is when they are at their most open and receptive. No matter how we may view the memorial, personally, they view it as sacred. Disrupting it will automatically put them on the defensive. If I were still a believing JW, I would come away believing that the WT was 100% correct in its description of apostates.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I think it would be cathartic. You know, get it out of my system. I'd love to do it as long as I wasn't with people who looked and acted like the Memorial scene on another thread. I wouldn't do it for the JW's benefit. I'd do it for the benefit of visitors and studies.

  • Mickey mouse
  • Finally-Free

    I already wasted 20 years hanging around kingdom halls. Why would I waste another minute on them now that I'm out?


  • snowbird

    No, I did enough picketing in protests against Jim Crow.


  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    No! Its a waste of time and accomplishes nothing. The internet is the way to picket.


  • Quirky1

    I's rather picket my ass..

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