Which is the latest movie you have seen ??

by on the rocks 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Farkel

    I recently watched Avatar. To me it was "Dances With Wolves in Outer Space." I liked it, though the outcome was totally predictable. No wonder the WTS banned it. It has 10 foot tall SKINNY people in it and sentient trees! Therefore, it was definitely demonized. That Satan is such a prankster, isn't he?

    I just saw "The Hurt Locker." How such a mediocre movie as that could win an Academy Award for Best Picture is beyond me.

    The best recent movie I've seen is "The Blind Side", but then again, I'm kinda mushy and sappy at times.


  • PSacramento

    My wife wants to see "new moon" tonight, so we will.

    Then I think we will see Blindside.

    After that, I don't know...

    I think we may watch the Gospel Of John this weekend, it being Easter weekend and all that and I think my eldest might like it.

  • serenitynow!

    Alice in Wonderland- 3D at IMAX. It was good.

  • RebeccaChi

    I'm surprised that no one mentioned the purple triangles in the Holocaust scenes from Shutter Island.

  • Finally-Free

    I saw 2012 recently, not in the theatre though, as I prefer to wait until movies come out on DVD. The effects were great but it lacked in character development. I found myself not caring whether or not the characters were hit by lava bombs or crushed under buildings.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Green Zone = Another crappy Jason Bourne type film that went nowhere.....I want my money back.

  • truthseekeriam

    Avatar 3D (loved it) , Alice in Wonderland 3D Imax (pretty good) Shutter Island (left confused, but liked it)

  • sammielee24

    Hurt Locker - don't know why it won the awards it did but whatever; Avatar on regular screen and then again on 3D...awesome on 3D!...Alice in Wonderland in 3D and only 3D worthy; Sherlock Holmes and as usual Downey was great however, the female stars didn't have the right chemistry for it to work -----sammieswife.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The Last Assassin - starring Joe Montegna.

    Great flick.


  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    The last movie I saw was Repo Men.

    I've also seen Avatar IMAX 3-D and Sherlock Holmes.

    I want to see The Hurt Locker.

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