I'm new and wanted to introduce myself

by MarkedFragile 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleSister



    Your story sounds so familiar to someone I know I'm actually wondering if you're him! You're not in the Sacramento area by any chance are you?

    Welcome to the forum!

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Welcome!! This board is a great place to vent to folks who know where you're coming from. Know this - it will get better.

  • Life is now
    Life is now

    Hi and welcome. I am new too.

    If you went out knocking on doors you must have ONE STRONG BACKBONE. How many people can do that?

    If you gave talks on the platform then how many people can do that? It is said that some people fear public speaking more than death!

    You have more power and strength within you than you could possibly realise. It has already taken courage to leave this organisation.

    Make the most of this site, accept the love, join in the debates and release some anger, and keep us informed as we will be looking forward to hearing more from you.

    Read experiences like SD-7. He has shared his journey with us and it has helped him and us.

  • nugget

    Welcome to the board people here really get what you are going through.

  • cofty

    Welcome MarkedFragile, I'm glad you found this place.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Welcome to the board! We understand.

  • 5thGeneration
  • cyberjesus

    Welcome, I'll be back!

  • flipper

    MARKED FRAGILE- Welcome to the board my friend. Let us wrap you in a warm blanket of " unconditional acceptance " and caring. When we were witnesses they put " conditions " on whether they showed us caring or alleged " love ". We either had to answer at meetings, get 10 hours a month in field service, make sure to shake the right popular elders hand to get noticed - none of which made any of us feel important or needed.

    Please know that much information is available to you to find out WHAT made you feel the way you did. You will gradually understand the reasons for the plastic , pretend persona that was the Jehovah's Witness organization. When you are emotionally ready to do some reading - I would like to recommend 2 books - by Steve Hassan- " Combatting Cult Mind Control " & " Releasing the Bonds- Empowering People to Think for Themselves ". These books REALLY helped me to understand what happened to me in my 44 years in the witness organization psychologically and emotionally. Take care, and just remember we are here for you

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