Now That You Can Get Involved In Politics Is It All That Important To You?

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    JWs cannot get involved with politics. Exjws certainly can and based upon responses from this site, many are quite opinionated about political matters.

    Are YOU very involved in politics at this point in your life? Do you really believe that your opinion, your vote means all that in the big scheme of things??

  • spawn

    We have a general election very soon here in the UK and I can't wait to vote as I haven't voted in about 15 years.

  • blondie

    City, county, and state politics have more of an impact on us. We vote and educate ourselves as to the issues. jws I knew would talk a great deal about politics, but of course saying that they didn't vote. We have had local elections that were won by one or two votes.

  • minimus

    Do you think your vote counts with the larger elections?

  • blondie

    If mine doesn't, then whose does?


    I'm starting to get a bit interested, yes. I picked up a registration form a while back but forgot to fill it out, but I'll definitely be voting from now on. I stay up to date with a lot of the big things happening, and I'm trying to learn more about politics and how our country works.

  • littlebird

    I'm ashamed to say that I'm clueless as to how the political system works. I want to be involved but, not sure where to even start.

  • frankiespeakin

    No, my vote doesn't mean that much I just go with the flow, at this late date in my life 57 I have little interest in what governments do, I'm much more interested in things of a personal nature.

  • nugget

    They say that in a democracy you get the government you deserve.

    It has become important to me it is a responsibility if you live in a democracy to pay attention and participate in the process.

  • minimus

    Blondie, no one said yours doesn't.

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