
by asilentone 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Titus

    OKAY, OKAY...

  • Heaven

    My grandfather was Irish. He used to wear a green cap that said "Kiss Me, I'm Irish." I'm sure he was related to Shamus.

  • ziddina

    Titus, hey, Man, you had no way of knowing... I'm IRISH, and I had to look it up... Zid

    Oh, Titus, and I thought this was a hoot - funny - too - the second reply:

    Even the Irish here in America are confused about kilts!!!

  • restrangled

    You can get to Ireland on Ryan Air for about $50.00 from anywhere in Germany. Both my husband and son went. They absolutely loved it, but of course, .....they are Irish. My husband almost 100%. His family has no problem tracing back to the county in Ireland where they came from. The fighting Irish.....Black haired and blue eyed.

    They said the people were wonderful, the landscape breathtaking, and managed to bring home for me some wonderful crystal wine glasses at next to nothing.

    Erin go Bragh!


  • fokyc
  • Titus

    Zid, you are the wall!

  • Miss Chievous
    Miss Chievous

    I'm from Ireland, most people who come here are either looking for their ancestors (over 70 million people in the world claim to be of Irish decent, our greatest export is our people cos we can't provide jobs for them...) or looking for "the craic" (look it up on wiki). We have great swathes of unspoilt countryside, I'd recommend Counties Wicklow, Donegal and Kerry for spectacular scenery. Dublin is the capital city, it has been modernised in the last 15 years, still has some great Georgian buildings though. We don't have great weather, our summers are usually cool and wet, winters are colder and wet. Spring is the best time to come, we truely do have 40 shades of green to offer!

    If you have stereotypical country peasent type images of us you'll be disappointed, we have grown as a country and become far more multicultural. You generally don't have to worry about crime, except in Dublin at night, but our standard of driving leaves a lot to be desired! We generally a friendly bunch, just don't mention the Catholic Church, bankers or the English and you'll be fine! Those who like the stuff say that Guinness tastes the best in Ireland, if you tour the brewery you can sample it for yourself.

    One last thing, in a land of 4.5 million people, there are only 4300 witnesses, it's highly unlikely you'll bump into one of them!

    Miss C

  • spawn

    WE Irish are the true owners of tartan not the Scots

    Tartan (kilt) did indeed originate in Ireland, which was introduced to the then unnamed country of Scotland by the Scots, who moved from Ireland to re-found their ancient kingdom, Dalriada and gave the Scotland its name. The very first form of tartan is nothing like its modern day counterpart; it being a form of shirt that ended just above the knee - known as léine in Irish Gaelic.

  • cantleave

    Bloody Irish think they have all the Culture. WE Scots may not have given the world tartan, but we made it look good.

  • cantleave

    And another thing - Scotch Whisky is sooooooo much better than Irish.

    But Guiness is Good!

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