Have They Ever Given a Figure of How Many Are to Die at Armageddon?

by cameo-d 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    Has WT ever published a number of how many they expect to die at Armageddon?

    Will it bring the population down to the Georgia Guidestones advice for a manageable level?

  • alanv

    To my knowledge they have never said that. Just that it will be the vast majority of mankind. Seeing that they expect the big A any day now, and that you have to be under the shelter of the WT, then JWs would expect about 7 billion to slaughtered.

  • cantleave

    JWs would expect about 7 billion to slaughtered.

    NICE!! All those wicked people who didn't read some badly written books or listen to some charmless cult member at their door.

  • sweet

    im sure they have not...because they can't judge who's going to die at armageddon ONLY Jehovah and Jesus can...much like the "day and the hour" scripture that none of us know no matter what religion we may belong to we don't know the day nor the hour of the armegeddon or whatever the time period before armegeddon is i forgot what that's named...and not even Jesus knows that time period ONLY his father Jehovah knows.

  • asilentone


  • Quillsky

    Here is the math.....

    Slaughtered at Armageddon will be approximately 7 billion people, less 7 million active Jehovah's Witness "publishers", plus JW publishers who have a Bad Heart Condition , minus those who attend the Reject-Jesus Memorial who have a Good Heart Condition , minus those who have never had the opportunity to hear the Good News of the Watchtower Kingdom.

    That leaves us with just under 7 billion humans killed by God.

    This is complicated by the fact that just after Armageddon everybody who has ever lived (except perhaps those who lived in the towns of Gomorrah and Sodom, but the Watchtower is not clear on this) will be resurrected. Current actuarial estimates place this number at more or less equal to the number of people who are currently alive, 6 to 7 billion.

    So the nett result will be that after Armageddon there will be approximately the same number of people alive as there are today, and about the same proportion of Jehovah's Witnesses as are alive today. The Jehovah's Witnesses will then have to witness to all the resurrected ones.

    Sounds like Groundhog Day to me, but throw in "I see dead people".

  • Mary

    No, but by their continually stating that only the 'annointed' and the 'great crowd' will survive, they're expecting 99.9% of the world's population to become bird food any day now. The only other ones who they so generously allow 'might be saved', are those with some sort of mental handicap like those with Down Syndrome and even this is "off the record". Physical handicaps are no excuse in their books, because we all remember the sister "with the iron lung" who somehow managed to preach for years until she finally died.

  • Tea drinker
    Tea drinker

    They have never put it in print but they pretty much imply that 7 billion will be destroyed as only Jehovah's Witnesses are expected to survive. Even when I was fully indoctrinated my stomach used to turn when speakers would say things like this. Sometimes phrases like "a nucleus of seven million righteous ones will see the other side of Armageddon" would come out during various talks I heard.

    One speaker I heard actually spoke of 99% of the world's population being obliterated, with no sign of discomfort from the audience. I knew it was all nonsense by then but was still going to meetings for family. As soon as I heard that statement though, I knew that that would be the last meeting I ever attended. I just couldn't sit among people like that anymore. They had the nerve to debate whether Hitler would be resurrected because he killed millions whilst they hoped for the death of billions; all of this so that they could have an easy life in a paradise. Sick.

  • blondie

    If it happened today, take the world population and subtract the adjusted jw numbers. That's how many.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    One thing I have never done is ask a Dubbie how much they are looking forward to cleaning up the mess left by Jebooboo and his merry band of arseholes who are going to murder me and my friends at the pub, and lots of other people too.

    Farkle has given me a few ideas of how to portray WT killer gospel in no nonsense terms, but I haven't had many opportunities to put it into practice.

    I would put some effort into it, but it's summer in NZ and the fish are biting, and my mates at the pub really couldn't give a shit.



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