Have They Ever Given a Figure of How Many Are to Die at Armageddon?

by cameo-d 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    On the search for a quote, other quotes that might be of interest:

    *** w05 5/1 p. 22 par. 18 The Resurrection Hope—What Does It Mean for You? ***)If tempted to commit immorality, we will firmly resist. We realize that should we die before Armageddon, a continued course of conduct displeasing to Jehovah could put us in the same position as those who have no prospect of a resurrection.

    *** w95 1/15 p. 28 Assembling With Those Who Fear God ***"However, is it not logical that those who die in our day would be resurrected early in order to share with the great crowd of Armageddon survivors in the immense educational work that is to take place throughout Judgment Day? Yes, indeed!"

    *** w86 7/1 pp. 19-20 par. 8 Living for God’s Will—Today and Forever ***In fact, some faithful Christians who expected to see Armageddon and the beginning of the new system of things in their lifetime have died. Yet their lives, dedicated to doing God’s will, have not been in vain. True to his word, Jesus will resurrect them and grant them the benefit of everlasting life.

    *** w66 4/1 p. 219 Strengthened to Faithfulness by the Resurrection Hope ***True, as a class the "great crowd" of "other sheep" hope to live right through Armageddon without ever needing to die, but there have been, are and will be not a few of their number that, because of old age, sickness or accident, go down to Sheol and so will need to be resurrected. For these we can hope, not only in a resurrection, but in an early one.


    w65 9/1 p. 543 Questions From Readers ***In view of what is stated at Hebrews 10:26, 27, will dedicated and baptized Christians with hopes of earthly life have a resurrection if they fall away from true worship and die before Armageddon?—P.G., U.S.A.

    *** w62 6/15 p. 381 Avoid Unprofitable Questions***. One might ask, In what year will Armageddon begin? Will the faithful angels eventually receive immortality? Will there be factories and machines in use after Armageddon? Will men wear beards again? What will be the medium of exchange in the new world? Will women now past the age of childbearing share in the procreation mandate? If dedicated parents and children happen to die before Armageddon, which parent will raise the resurrected children, since resurrected mates will not remarry?

    *** w59 1/15 p. 46 par. 8 Surviving with the New ***Those who stick inside Christendom by adhering to its religious systems will die in the universal war of Armageddon, just as those who stayed inside Jerusalem and did not go out to the besieging king of Babylon died miserably inside the city.

    *** w58 12/15 p. 758 par. 29 The Crucial Time for Staying Awake ***He will die with the unfaithful and the hypocrites during the execution of God’s judgments at Armageddon by Jesus Christ, the royal Inspector. He will die with the "naked" clergy who hypocritically minister in their religious vestments at Christendom’s so-called temple of God. That means a hopeless death, second death.

    *** w55 7/15 p. 438 par. 15 War from Heaven Brings Peace to Earth ***Men have a saying about "dying with your boots on." At Armageddon Jehovah God will grant their wish and let them "die with their boots on." He will allow them to build up to peak strength and go down fighting. Let worldly men die with their military boots on if that is their wish.

    *** w55 12/15 p. 763 Questions From Readers ***However, the one surviving is free to remarry, before Armageddon, and is under no obligation to wait for the resurrection of the deceased one. The marriage tie is completely broken by death. If the survivor remains single and the dead one is raised shortly after Armageddon, they might be made companions if Christ their Everlasting Father pleases, but whether to procreate, we have no definite scripture to favor this.

  • streets76

    I predict that only two people will survive the big A and the 1000 year reign: one fourteen year old boy, and one fourteen year old girl.

    Wouldn't THAT be ironic!


    According to the WBT$..

    Anyone who is`nt a JW is Doomed..


    A large percentage of all JW`s will Die..


    They did`nt do Enough for the WBT$..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • Leprechaun

    Hope Beyond Armageddon

    The Left Behind series concentrates on the tribulation upon the people, and yes, the Scriptures do speak of a momentous time of trouble coinciding with the return of Christ and culminating in Armageddon. However, the true purpose of Armageddon is to cleanse the earth of the systems of corruption which have been under the control of Satan and his servants. It is important to understand d that the corrupt ecclesiastical and civil systems need to be destroyed-not the ignorant people misled by these systems. "Every valley [the poor, suffering world of mankind] shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill [kingdoms of this world] shall be made low..." (Isa. 40:4) This is not a time to burn in eternal flames billions of good-heated people because they have not known and accepted Jesus. The conversion of these people-" the remainder of men"- will be after the cleansing work of Armageddon. This leveling destruction will prepare the way for the righteous kingdom of Christ and his Church. Then, under their benevolent reign, "the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness" without the fetters of selfish and oppressive powers. Isa. 26:9

    Of this time, 1 Timothy 2:3-4 states, God "will have all men to be saved and to come unto the [Greek-full discernment of accurate] knowledge of the Truth." Christ’s "ransom for all guarantees that all who died in Adam will be saved from Adamic death. That is, all will be awakened from the sleep of death and given a full opportunity to learn the Truth of God and His loving character.

    In the thousand-year kingdom of Christ "the earth shall [gradually] be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." (Isa. 11:9) Also Jeremiah 31:34 says of that time, "for they shall all know me from the least of them unto the greatest." Verse 29 shows that, for the majority of mankind, the kingdom will provide the first full, fair opportunity for salvation through the knowledge of Christ. They will no longer die for the inherited sins of their fathers but for their own iniquity (Jeremiah 31:29, 30). Jesus’ ransom sacrifice for "all" guarantees this full and fair opportunity for "all" -praise the Lord! NO ONE will be left behind!


  • freydo

    6 billion at a CO talk.

  • villabolo


    I forget the title of the book but it was a 1950's publication which said that 2 billion people would die at Armageddon. 2 billion was an out of date census tally for the world population in either 1930 or a rounded off version for 1940 (most likely). The book was yellow, if I recall correctly, and may have had Armageddon in the title.


  • Gregor

    If just a few thousand refrigerated storage warehouses can be kept running through the Great Battle they can preserve enough meat to feed them for months after. There will be lots of clothing, jewelry and nice homes. What's not to like about the post-Armageddon picture?

  • Quillsky

    Oh god I detest the cult language so much. No wonder this religion despises education, since no academic writings would allow shit like this to go unchallenged ......

    w95 1/15 p. 28 Assembling With Those Who Fear God ***"However, is it not logical that those who die in our day would be resurrected early in order to share with the great crowd of Armageddon survivors in the immense educational work that is to take place throughout Judgment Day? Yes, indeed!"

    "is it not logical....." NO, it's not logical, nothing about your convoluted cultic apocalyptic sentence is logical by any definition of the word.

    "Yes, indeed!" Um no, not indeed at all. That's not a reason to state that those who die in "our day" will be resurrected early in order to participate in the immense [fantasy] education work. Anyway, where are the scriptures to support this great leap of logic?

    I'm so mad right now, and grateful I don't have a Jehovah's Witness CD-ROM or else I would cause some damage to the glass in my home. Please, PLEASE, those of you who are trapped in this cult, get out now.

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