Jehovah's Witnesses do NOT claim to be prophets!!! Stop saying that!!!

by sd-7 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Slayerbard

    Yeah I love it how they then say what they say isn't inspired, and not infallable. But if you don't uphold their teaching up til death and beyond they will shun you and disown you. Unless they change their mine on said teaching, in which cause you won't be apologized to. Because you were still wrong at the time, because the old light pointed to them being right, this was before it changed color and direction. In which case it is completly different light, new light, so you're still wrong.

  • sd-7

    chagaimasmaro--This is from 1955, the reference is there but may be a little garbled on my post. This is post-Russell and post-Rutherford--we're talking Knorr-era. Given the OntheWayOut post from 1972, it seems apparent that that 'prophetical' notion didn't change for at least those 17 years.

    Again, this is not how they talk anymore, but the spirit of it, the use of the term "channel of communication", is still there. And as they explained here, "channel of communication" and "prophet" are terms they view as interchangeable. In my mind, at least, this tells me what they really mean, as was said in a rather recent WT: "By word or action, may we never challenge the [prophet] that Jehovah is using today."

  • Terry

    "Never did they presume to originate predictions in the name of Jehovah."

    Source: The Watchtower announcingJEHOVAH'S Kingdom. 2/15/81

    So, let me see if I have this straight....JEHOVAH's Witnesses predict 1975 (a date Fred Franz originated) will mark the end of 6,000 years of human existence and connect it repeatedly with the start of the 1,000 year reign of Christ preceded by Armageddon and this presumption DOESN'T COUNT?

  • sd-7

    BRILLIANT, Terry!! Exactly! So whose witnesses were they when they were promoting those ideas to the whole world? Maybe there's a letter to the congregations we missed that said, "from 1966 to 1975, we are now known as MAN'S WITNESSES! We bear witness to the ideas of men, not God, from now until January 1, 1976."

    If that letter existed, obviously a few thousand congregations must've missed it.

  • OnTheWayOut

    A spirit-directed organization? What is that anyway?

    Of course, they mean HOLY spirit directed.

    What WTS means by "spirit directed" is that they have the Bible and prayer, but they want an excuse in case they need to change what they said later. You can try to read it in their literature, what the difference is. They will drag out some convoluted explanation that involves saying they follow the Bible, but get clearer and clearer understandings. Somehow, Jehovah is not very good at "directing" the Governing Body with exact instructions so they do good for Him and occasionally do better than good for him. They are getting closer and closer to what He wants them to understand. You get the idea.

    I dare to say "Spirit-directed and Inspired" are the same thing.

  • dgp

    On the Way Out, I would call that "evidence of a statement having been made".

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