Jehovah's Witnesses do NOT claim to be prophets!!! Stop saying that!!!

by sd-7 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7

    *** w555/15p.308par.1ChristianChannelofCommunication***

    From the prophetic shadows to the actual realities we observe that this God-provided channel for Christians is the collective congregation of anointed ones who serve as a prophetlike organization under the leadership of its communicating head, Christ Jesus.

    The Word then became flesh to dwell among men as Jehovah’s greatest prophet or channel of communication to convey priceless words of wisdom directly to honest men.


    11 Like the prophets Noah, Elijah, Elisha and John the Baptist, Jesus, the Prophet, gathered disciples around him and trained them to become preachers. However, unlike these others he was preparing these disciples to become a nucleus around which a continuous prophetical organization, a channel of communication, would be established. At the conclusion of Jesus’ training speech he mentioned that his disciples would be recognized as prophets, bringing a prophet’s reward to those who are desirous of learning about Christ Jesus, the King of the new world. This following scripture also reveals the line of communication running back through the individuals making up the prophet group, then through Jesus and finally to Jehovah God himself.

    This, too, Jesus’ followers have experienced as members of his Christian prophetlike organization…Just as no individual since Jesus’ day has been singled out in the fulfillment of Bible prophecies, so no single individual has comprised God’s special prophet since Jesus, the Great Prophet. For this reason Jesus made plans for an anointed congregation of disciples to become the collective channel in the earth making known God’s communications.

    This power is organizational in scope and applies to no one man, as claimed by the Catholic Church in saying that this authority is vested in the one man, the pope

    …. The Bible indicates many specifications, all of which have to exist together to mark, beyond a shadow of doubt, the one divinely authorized channel. Following is a list of requirements to be met by such a true congregation of Christ to fit her as God’s channel today.

    *** w555/15p.314par.25ChristianChannelofCommunication***

    Fifth, the congregation of Christ must realize it went through a scattering period leading to a “Babylonish” spiritual captivity, from which there must have been a regathering of “his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity.” Only the remnant of Jehovah’s anointed witnesses who have been regathered since 1919 from all nations, languages and former religious associations realize this.

    *** w555/15pp.314-315pars.27-28ChristianChannelofCommunication***

    Seventh, the congregation of Christ after the return of her Lord must, as the “house of God,” receive her judgment when Jehovah’s messenger comes to the temple for judgment, and this prior to the rest of the world. Only the remnant of Jehovah’s anointed witnesses experienced this judgment cleansing when the “messenger” came to his temple in 1918.—1 Pet. 4:17; Mal. 3:1-3.

    28 Eighth, the congregation of Christ, when cleansed, must have received the commendation of her Lord by being designated the “faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics to give them their food at the proper time.” Only the remnant of Jehovah’s anointed witnesses have realized this office since 1919, since when they have made a supreme effort to channel forth clean spiritual food to all those in association with them as Christ’s “domestics.”

    *** w555/15p.315pars.30-32ChristianChannelofCommunication***

    Tenth, the congregation of Christ must today follow its first-century pattern by receiving progressive understandings of Bible prophecies which unfold further majestic purposes of the Living God and which new light of truth must be published impartially the world over by God’s prophetlike organization. Only the remnant of Jehovah’s anointed witnesses and their companions “do not treat prophesyings with contempt” but publish their fulfillments as they become clear, in their Bible publications.—1 Thess. 5:20; Rev. 11:3, 4, NW.

    31 Eleventh, the congregation of Christ must realize a change in her work from that of gathering the “little flock” for heavenly privileges to that of gathering out the “other sheep” to become prospective Kingdom subjects to live happily forever on a paradise earth that is destined to continue unendingly in fulfillment of the great Abrahamic promise. Only the anointed remnant have experienced this since the years 1932 and 1935.—Gen. 22:18; Luke 12:32; John 10:16; Matt. 25:31-33.

    32 Twelfth, the congregation of Christ must realize the certain time when Jehovah ‘plants the new heavens and lays the foundation of the new earth’ as part of his permanent New World system of things. Only Jehovah’s witnesses realize this and have come to know that since 1919 a New World society is developing to expand to fill the whole earth in righteousness.

    Settled. Now stop making up lies about Jehovah's Witnesses, you apostates!!!

  • Heaven

    prophetlike? ... is that similar to pregnantlike?

  • sd-7

    Right, exactly. "Honey, I have to tell you something...I'm pregnantlike." " you pregnant?" "No, I never claimed to be pregnant. I'm pregnantlike." "What the shell does that mean?" <--Guess he finds out in 9 months.

    I like how they're trying so hard to be careful while still ultimately saying what they're trying not to say. I mean, talk about spin-doctors. My hat is off to them.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Right, exactly. "Honey, I have to tell you something...I'm pregnantlike." " you pregnant?" "No, I never claimed to be pregnant. I'm pregnantlike."

    love it!

  • WuzLovesDubs

    The great majority of JWs have no clue what the old publications said and they make sure that doesnt happen by telling them to dispose of the old book and "rely on" the WTCD which of course is so EDITED it hardly resembles the original texts.

    These are always great to WHIP out when they start protesting LOL! God Mouthpiece. God is the Editor in Chief of the Watchtower. The prophet is among them and he is the GROUP called the Jehovahs a rose by any other name BUNKY, still has the same damn thorns.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    They like to have it both ways. They want all the power and authority that goes along with being God's chosen channel, but don't want to assume any of the responsibility that goes along with it. They are prophets only up to the point when they are proven wrong. Then they are just imperfect men who have never made such claims.

  • sd-7

    I really like the term "prophetical" here. It just sounds made up. But the end result of statements like this--and while the words may not be used today, the spirit of them remains in effect--is that when JWs go to the door and quote the Reasoning book, "Jehovah's Witnesses do not claim to be inspired prophets," they are LYING. Because that directly goes against what has been written in the Watchtower. Or is it the "inspired" part that helps them weasel out?

    Regardless, the 12 lines of evidence they produced to back up the claim of being "prophetical" or whatever--some of which are quoted here--were entirely hanging on stuff like 1918 or 1919 or stuff they don't believe anymore, like "from 1932 to 1935". Circular reasoning, I suppose. It's great. Really is.

  • OnTheWayOut


    I also like the "You-didn't-say-'Simon-Says'" excuse at

  • parakeet

    If the gb are not prophets but only prophetlike, then it follows that their predictions are not accurate but accurate-like.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    If the gb are not prophets but only prophetlike, then it follows that their predictions are not accurate but accurate-like.

    I would settle for accurate-like, or something close.

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